Sunday, November 23, 2014

SUBOXONE Film for Heroin and Opiate Addiction

SUBOXONE Film for Heroin and Opiate Addiction
By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

What is SUBOXONE Film?

Operates are used for pain and heroin is now located in storage areas throughout the United States.  My pledge was to knock off heroin dealers as of Black Friday 2014.  We do not condone heroin distribution, but due to this new development and operate treatments for many veterans, for peace sake we will give people a choice and establish these treatment centers throughout the United States ASAP.

Hereon is a drug that historically was very hard to get off of and is very dangerous causing death by overdoses.  It is a nasty drug, which reduces its users to dirty people who are lowlifes, who get all kinds of diseases to include AIDS and hepatitis. They are some of the worst off people in the world and they live on the streets, always looking for the next fix.  They will steal from their loved ones daily for the next fix, which they need to physically function.

Once New York City establishes, its marijuana store-fronts throughout our communities, whereby marijuana is decriminalized and is sold for Medicaid.  Being it is a medication we stand by this and once we establish our Soul-Food Restaurants’ citywide. Whereby we sell hot food for food stamps and we condone this, because for the longest the Chinese took our food stamps at $70 for $100 in stamps without selling food to us, we will feed our hungry in the same manner and damn the law, it just has to catch up with what is right and just in the Lord.

And once we expand Western Beef, which will be returned to its proper owner me, the real Paul Castellano, we will allow people to choose between Suboxone Film and heroin.  We know the only proven way to get off of heroin or drugs permanently are to accept a higher power. And we know who the higher power is and therefore will not pay for people going to government facilities talking about a doorknob is my higher power and we pay for it. If they cannot call on the true God Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, they can go to another facility for treatment.

I say since the South is the Confederate Government, which is Artiest by their Constitutional laws, they may need to be brought to their knees by drugs, because they have become arrogant and hate God for darkness in Satan.  And since the South wanted to bring their drugs to us to poison the North again, yet we had this heroin epidemic already in the 1960’s, whatever they “The South” brings here, goes on a U-Turn and to hit Houston, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Orlando, Tampa, Durham, Augusta, and all their major cities and rural townships.

New York City and the East Coast will be judged, but not on Black Friday, first they will have a choice and then they will pay for making the wrong decision. If I was you’ll on dope, I would get off of it soon.

 Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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