Friday, November 28, 2014

The Woman Workforce Reality

The Woman Workforce Reality

Women went from 30% of the labor force in 1950 to about 47% of the labor force in the year 2000.  They are expected to be the main bread winners by far by the year 2050, when Africa becomes the next great economy with a GDP of about $15 trillion. There is a correlation between technology and the growth of women in the employment sector.

I remember when it all started, that is the symbolic castration on the man and now it has reached the white man also.  First they made it easy for single parents.  Abortion rights coupled with, the woman’s right to choose.  Then single parents started getting projects apartments and Welfare, forcing the men to live with women off of the lease, pay the bills by whatever means necessary, often being by selling drugs.  Once these women get their education and a government job, they tell the man to get stepping.

But this is called equal rights?  The men get no government support, but is told you owe us child support, while his woman counterpart get all the benefits leading to a life of independence, while the black man get felony convictions, place in jail 6 months out of the year for back child support, but the woman had the right to choose?

Woman now are in the Army in combat arms?  Now Hillary wants to be the next President, have we forgot Monica, the impeachment, the perjury allegations and the obstruction of justice allegations.  He was a draft dodger, not that the war was right, it was wrong, but he never told us it was wrong until today, so what did he stand for but self?

Now he is going to pimp Hilary or will she get even?  And this is about what?  Popularity?  She is famous for having  president get head from an intern and this makes her president material, because she was really behind Bill or was I?

America is a joke!  You cannot even see how Satan is playing you?  First he made he hated by the black man, then placed the black woman over the black man and now the Chickens came home to roost?  Now Hillary will be head chick in charge?

We place President Obama in position to place man over a woman, now he is trying to hand it over to them anyway?  Think about it, all these woman on government jobs, damn near none know their jobs. They do not do anything all day, but daydream half the time.  What services can you get properly these days.  The VA is a joke, the department of corrections not far behind, MTA, you name it you get poor services, because they really do not care about these jobs.

The system placed them into these positions to place men below woman.  But a woman is not a man and cares less about this shit, except that you are just giving it to them, the same way you just like giving white  people in England who say I am a king all your shit?.

Rev. Paul

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