Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Confederate Plan for African Eternal Slavery

The Confederate Plan for African Eternal Slavery

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

The Black Man in America. It is time to wake up.  To the man of color throughout the world.  It is time to wake up. We are in the last hour and President Barack Obama is in a position to sign into law, the emancipation of the African worldwide.  But he is also being set up right now to be assassinated.  His life depend on your understanding this important message.

Remember that things happened by design.  Remember how Abraham Lincoln died or supposedly was assassinated.  Then understand how the South won the Civil War by default, because Answer Johnson end up making this deal we now live under, with the Congress.  And understand that our Government is really a Confederate Government.

  • African came here as Slaves and not immigrants
  • The true meaning of the 14th Amendment was State Rights for the South
  • My Family was left in Sandersville, Georgia under the Same Oppressor
  • His new State Right was to be an Atheist Government and force it on us

The true meaning of signing of a 14th Amendment, cannot be based on stupid ass college professors, but on reality.  Where was the Union, when my family was left behind?  Where was the Constitution when Richard Nixon fraudulently started this unconstitutional aggression against black called a war on drugs.

The created the drug cartels and used the DEA to move the drugs and they created the demand for cocaine.  They made Pablo Escobar a $30 billion on Forbes, took it back and killed him on the streets.  After he killed 30 CIA and FBI agents.  Then Bill Clinton whacks him and makes the really throws the keys away on niggers. He built the prisons to lock niggers up for all types of bullshit.  He assassinated Escobar and became Kingpin.  Oh but he has an $80 Billion Foundation?  Or some crazy shit?  But how long ago have I cured AIDS.  Do he or Bill Gates really want me to cure AIDS or get richer off of the sick?

These are the same people who bomb the World Trade on 9/11, rather than settle with m in 2001.  They are known, but the CRIPS are not known, hell I do not even remember the meetings.  I just remember at the conclusion a light skinned man said, “Do you want me to write you a writ?”  I said no.  He said, “I said that because I want you to remember, I Am a Judge.”  And I say, we must now protect President Obama, with the threat of properly guided retaliation.  If I go to the battlefield, I cannot die and therefore cannot lose.  But at what cost?

I plan to be in Los Angeles do the Summer events.  But a lot can happen between then.  Think about who Joe Biden is.  He helped Clinton with the 1994 Omnibus Crime Bill.  This proof that they never planned for us to be free.  It turned prisons into black concentration camps.  Where is the black man now? He is dodging police or being placed in prison or is a welcomed house nigger like a Freemason and even the Nation of Islam is house niggers.

If they knock Obama off, they might try me and it will be gunfire, because they cannot be arresting me unless they know how to control me in automatic.

Protect President Barack Obama:  He is in a vulnerable position and they always knock off the guy who is placed in position to emancipate the African Slaves.  Until we have our money, land and guns to protect it, we are still slaves. It is not over yet!

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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