Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Truth Behind My Leaving Avon - The Drug Game

The Truth Behind My Leaving Avon Park, FL.

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

First go to this website:  FBI Vault:

This information was recently posted, because the FBI now disclaims these investigations.  Why?  Because they just found out about me.  All this time even if you read John Gotti investigations all the way back to 1989, they didn’t even know I existed.  I recently set the record straight.  

For example, people who are FBI informants names will not show up.  Take Al Sharpton, be is a FBI informant, his name does not bring up any investigations, but if you type, Confidential Informant #7, you will see all his 47 investigations.

Read about the Black Mafia code for Nation of Islam?

Read Janet Jackson investigation and go to page #3 and read Tupac Shakur report.

You will find out why I had him killed. He tried to extort her.  His crew the N.W.A .  out of Compton, CA was into extortion. The worked for the JDL or Jewish Defense League .  They are an Illuminati operation.

If you read the reports from the East Coast, such as  P. Diddy and the rest, all of them refused to speak to the FBI without their lawyers, yet they were the victims?  Why?  Because it was the lawyers who was extorting them.  The whole entertainment industry was put into fear by the N.W.A. and as a result, only the lawyers are getting paid. Artist too often go broke due to contract deals they sign out of fear.  I will end this racket.  But I should stop telling the world what is really going on?

Read: Aldrich Ames

This in the biggest cover up in American history.  The investigation read about the CIA, FBI and KGB.  It talks about CIA and FBI agents getting killed, because their cover was blown.  The truth.  If you learn to decode these reports, what you do is remember the agent is always where the report is being made.

Aldrich Ames was a fall guy for President Reagan, who should have been executed for treason.  The truth is while he was working Pablo Escobar and the MedellĂ­n Cartel drug lord, Oliver North was working the Contra Rebels.  This was the Iran Contra operation that got our agents killed.  Escobar was created by Reagan and became a Forbes $30 billion man. He got arrogant, Bill Clinton had him killed in December 2nd, 1993 and in September he passed the

Omnibus Crime Bill giving the death penalty to drug kingpins and it screw up black people, but now you want his wife to finish the job?

He is the true author him and Joe Biden of the Prison Industrial Complex:

1. $10.8 billion in federal matching funds to local governments to hire 100,000 new police officers over 5 years.
2. $10 billion for the construction of new federal prisons.
3. An expansion of the number of federal crimes to which the death penalty applied from two to fifty-eight (the bill also eliminated an existing statute that prohibited the execution of mentally incapacitated defendants).
4. A three strikes proposal that mandated life sentences for anyone convicted of three “violent” felonies.
5. A section that allowed children as young as thirteen to be tried as adults.
6. The creation of special courts able to deport non-citizens alleged to be “engaged in terrorist activity” on the basis of secret evidence.
7. Established guidelines for states to track sex offenders. Required states to track sex offenders by confirming their place of residence annually for ten years after their release into the community or quarterly for the rest of their lives if the sex offender was convicted of a violent sex crime. [This sex offender registry law has caused havoc in the legal system]

These are just a few of the greatest hits from the 1994 Crime Bill.

You need to do your homework before you judge me.

The day I left.  First of all either President Obama or Bill Gate authorized three of my computer monitors to just crystallize.  The third one I got from Daddy O and all he could say was, “I am getting my drivers license.”  Code for I plan to buy that car from Tom, so you will have to walk.  Now I had no computer.  I am watching televison, think how do I get out of here with no money?  Then the drunk cop is trying to kick down my door, going into my mailbox.

WWDD?  What would you do.  Meanwhile President Obama is talking about Ebola and I am telling him we cured it. I got a cash advance for MidFlorida and got out of town. I cured Ebola while in Washington D.C. and they didn't even pay me carfare. Now it is in its first trials in humans. You do not hear about this anymore do you?

When I got to Baltimore, a car stopped in front of me about 15 feet, while I was doing about 80 MPH, I did 80-100 the whole way to New York City. That is not a Sebring 2001 engine.  I had to turn left at 80 mph to not front end the car in front of me.

It seemed like slow motion, as I spinned around in circles.  The car didn’t turn over it just spinned and I was in control the whole time.  I stopped and pulled out to a gas station, took a piss and continued my journey.

He joked about this years ago, here is a newer video.

Rev. Paul

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