Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Zulu Hood Security, Disposition and Reconstruction Actions

Zulu Hood Security - Disposition & Actions

Executive Authority GOTA

1. Prince Timothy and Prince Gregory give them each $50G and there is more where this comes from, to begin paying these kids far rates to assist in the Rep. C. Macrae details to SRA Renovations and upgrade of Locale security.

2. HEPAA violations are very serious especially in a protected site or institution,csuch as medical services and protected members of society.  It is a means of protection of ones personal information and it is essentially that person in a protected group and gated community due to hate Crimes ID be protected.

Furthermore, I was accused of being a stalker,slander and Libel is what placed me into this protected and gated community.  But what I have observed is it seems almost all my children of female sexual gender are being stalked and are abducted by legal standards and criminal or the penal code. 

They are being forced to obey people out of duress.

If you force yourself upon someone and force them to obey you and do so as a result of duress and fear of harm, these are grounds to indicted for illegal abduction, extortion and even kidnapping.  And all my Queendom Queens have been placed under the protection of the UCMJ and their being the Queens of the Living God himself, during war time, constitutes being a POW.

Wherefore, you are either DOD, WAC, MAC or verified dependent, such persons who do such things are either an enemy soldier or a spy.

How can Union distinguish the two, a soldier weas a uniform and a spy dies not.  Regardless Union Troops and the captured have a duty also.

Read the Geneva Convention and the Zulu Law of War and art if war but law is to defeat the enemy by all Constitution means.

Declaration of Emancipation Article 441-Y is designed to do just that.


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