Sunday, March 3, 2019

Willie Mays Bob Hayes Daddy Campaign

Feast of all saints

Hank Carter is Bob Jones - Mays? - Hayes? (r) there he is!

Citation Investigative blogs

The Nicky Barnes Investigation

Breaking News Daddy P. War Propaganda Constitutional for troop morale use it.

Executive Orders templates of constitutional Decrees for Appropriations committee execution and modifications.

Maria Jones
OK! You got Richard and Ricky and Ricky was called Bobby Grimes.
Bobby twin sister Roberta? Wow!
You got Kimora oh you got
Charlyn and Robyn of
Aka Roberta for the look alike Contest
Tamara fort apache the Bronx
Ashley from Robyn long Island across

PR liars
This is Willie Mays Rookie Season
There is no Roberto Clemente or Vietnam War
The Muddy Waters Story
Cadillac Records

I AM Jimi Hendrix Experience
Notice size of my body and the stage IT
I really walked on the moon in 1969
My capsule was required for all our reentry.

Breaking News - Daddy P.

Hometown favorite Bob Hayes infiltrated the KKK. Then they tried to erase him from existence to destroy his credibility as a witness.  At the same time to caused Libel and slander tactics to make the world believe God himself is a child molester, mental case homeless veteran.  And it was in the streets and the homeless shelters prophecy fulfilled.

The meek will inherit the earth, im-moratality and not mortality will inherit the Kingdom of God.

Join in everyone, post your favorite photos you and or or with but himself is better in some cases, photos of Hank Carter and Bob Hayes in Florida.

Be kind to a stranger, he might be an Angel watching your back.  Often humans of God will eat out of a garbage can and sleep in a card board box, rather than be under the roof of the barn of the slave master.  The fool see a bum a lover of Christ sees an opportunity to love and respect and be kind to someone who seems to be struggling.

The bad boys these him, but one kid to an interest in a lonely human sleeping in the streets. He says hi sir and the human brother response after years of hatred and abuse .leave me alone, go away, go find your friends and tease someone else.  The boy hurt, he walked away.  The next day, again,sir, please I did not come to tease you.

The human opened up and shared with him a world he never could imagine existed. He tells the boy, I lost everything, they took everything from me, my home, my name and even my family, because they knew I was intelligent.  Son, do not let them know what you know or for sure, they are going to come after you and I mean hard.

So the boy found and friend and they talked days after day.  And the boy learned how to earn and his come up became bro. Human come up too.

So one day the young human had his big chance to put his ideas into execution provided he get the support he needed. So he humbled himself to now OG, and he gets OG to sit in on his big shot to help him out if he sees an issue or point need be made. it was a successful meeting and then young human say a chain identical to his around OG neck.

He checks Oh, shit he , I got mines damn I thought na OG cool.  Hey OG, where you get that chain man .I got one just like it.  Oh, all I got left here young man, see, a picture of me and my wife and children.  See?  What no oh God, my dad, I found my dad??? No son you found me when I had no place to go.

A Mission of Hope coming soon to BET.

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