Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The National Community Network Wins $120,000 Advertisement Grant

The National Community Network Wins $120,000 Advertisement Grant
By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones- President and CEO
Operation Solution and Response is the Agenda of the National Community Network, INC.  We have recently established a $10,000 per month account to promote our organization. Our first campaign which has been officially approved is set at an average of about $250 per day or $7,500 per month.  We plan to end this campaign around the middle of October 2014. Our goal is to enter into a bigger grant status, which would be an additional $40,000 per month in advertisement power.  And thereby be able to expand our territories with the same intensity as people are about to experience. 
Our approach is both realistic but also of high expectations.  And as we gain experience in the marketing of our organization's programs  and services, we will be able to better determine what our expectations should be based on the man-hours assigned to maintain and sustain these operations.  On the average in the profit sector advertisement is about 5% of the annual budget. Therefore if they spend $10,000 per month, they expect $200,000 a month in revenues. And we will operate along these principles with this fantastic asset. Our goal is to get about $50,000 per month behind us or $500,000 per year in advertisement revenue and at least double this in volunteerism, which would give us at least $1.5M Revenue as basis of matching funds.
Think about, I was able to get over 1,000,000 reads as a blogger. Without any SEO services or anyone paying to get my onto web browsers of those I targeted.  And what is great is that many of my teaches are suitable for this arrangement. Because we believe that not only must we redevelop our communities physical structures, but we must address the social and economic issues as a result of long term struggle.  And this is what I preach, I do not teach religion, I just obtained my ordination for its  benefits in society.  Therefore the teachings of I the Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano, will be very relevant and a part of our programming.  As a non profit charity and not a church.
But understand we are coalition of many different types, we are a coalition of clergy, we are a coalition of men and women who have been incarcerated, we are coalitions of human rights for all people regardless. And therefore as I lead by example, we will begin to structure into the voices of all people, who are in favor of Building a Better Community," that someday all of mankind will have come to know and enjoy everlasting  peace, economic stability and longevity
We are now in the process of reassigning key staff to be able to maximize their time, interest and abilities.  Once we establish who is down and who is not, we will begin to recruit the essential personnel necessary to begin the process of fund raising. This is time sensitive.  The first things needed are in the areas capital investments.  I am currently working out of my living room, because my office is too hot and there all traffic is being redirected. We have $130,00 asset acting as a liability due to lack of cooling systems. It for reasons like this that we must open the eye of the people here in Avon Park, Florida. There just seems to so little unity among us.
I plan to make major decision of personnel concerns over the coming weekend and will probably start the recruitment of essential  personnel to fill vacant slots to begin the process of finding Funders.
Rev. Frank Paul Jones

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