Friday, October 5, 2018


Alert:  DBA Jesus Christ Exonerated: Revealing Documents held by Homeland Security reveal, Rev. Frank Paul Jones - The Messiah no outstanding Warrants, not a registered sex offender.  And Michael Watson and possibly aka Sammy Bull J. who intel suggest may be his sex slave was last seen in Augusta, GA.  Homeland Security examination of photos are ongoing.

1. Mobile  + Virgin
2. Shell + Circle K = Sears + K-Mart + Prudential Insurance
3. CITGO + 7/11 = The biggest Oil Reserve
4. E.U.- Euro based on oil reserve = Nigeria was to be the next Super-Power - Weapons and military budget in Africa.
5. Current Location on GPS - To Turn in Documents at Social Security Office - Proof Rev. Frank Paul Jones - Is not a child molester - are Criminal who wanted by the law, but in fact a hate crimes victim  D.O.J. File #3704895
G.O.T.A. Intel Reports.  5 Oct 60 ABC - F.E.E.T. TBAA-Z Time and Date accounting

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