Sunday, May 25, 2014

Black Leaders AWOL on Top Social Issue

Black Leaders AWOL on Top Social Issue


Facts:  There are 21 legal medical marijuana states and DC and 5 states pending medical marijuana legalization in 2014.  By 2015 over half the states our the Union, could be  allowed the produce, distributed, sell and use of medical marijuana legally.  Meanwhile, President Obama during his White House Correspondence Diner on  May 3rd, 2014, he jokingly said referring Legalized Recreational Use of Marijuana in the States of Colorado and Washington as a social experiment they are allowing, he said to this effect that, "We are not eavesdropping on people in Washington and Colorado, having stupid conversations over the phone, as a part of our social experiment taking place that we are allowing."


How did he know the conversations were stupid?  The NSA? What do you think is really happening?


Facts and opinion based on trends: With 2 States allowing recreational marijuana and 25 States allowing medical marijuana to be sold in their States and a Federal Government not enforcing the marijuana drug laws, with the understanding that marijuana is listed as a schedule one drug (one of the most dangerous drugs on the streets) by the DEA.  Compounded by the Attorney General Eric Holder's position to ease up on the sentencing guidelines for non violent drug offenses, what do you really think will be the natural transition or future plans?  We predict that one of President Obama last acts aside from his presidential pardons, will be the signing of legislation to end the prohibition of marijuana in the whole United States. He leaves office in only 970 days on 20 January 2017.  The countdown has begun!


My argument is there are no nationally recognized black leaders or investors on the forefront of this serious social issue that is also a serious economic issue.  Our focus as black people seems to be as consumers only, focusing on who will be able to use the drugs to get high, for medical purposes or our plans to never use such a drug as good Christian of sorts. Yet already we have a $40 billion marijuana crop in the United States, which is our most valued crop by far and Gov. Scott of Florida just agreed to sign a bill into law SB 1030 that will allow the State of Florida to grow a marijuana crop worth about $7.5 Billion easy or about 20% of our current total product. 


Yet from first glace, his plan doesn't even include black people as potential distributors.  We will not even be able to bid in the State of Florida for a medical marijuana dispensary. Unless we have black owned plant nurseries that was in business for 30 continuous years and can produce at least 240,000 plants, even Oprah Winfrey money is not good in the State Florida as far as marijuana goes, unless she wants to smoke some, under Gov. Scott's watch. So I wonder how many black owned marijuana farms or dispensaries are there in the United States of America. This is something we must start paying attention to. And something wealthy black should concern themselves with. These unfair business practices is a clear cut blackout.


Another concern is how they have been deciding on where to place medical marijuana dispensaries and how many can operate in a given State. And the way they are doing it is racially biased, yet I heard not one black voice raise the question as to why and how do they justify this distribution system laws and restrictions.


Fact: There are about 1 marijuana dispensaries for every 10 pharmacies in each state.  First of all pharmacies are located were there are people who have health insurance.


Fact: 30.4% of Hispanics, 17% of blacks, and 9.9% of whites do not have health insurance. While Hispanics are 17% of the population, black 12% and white about 65%, then when we consider the poverty level of each group, we will be able to determine how many people have private insurance.  Marijuana as a medication is not recognized by any government insurance such as Medicaid, Medicare or Veterans Benefits.  So what is the correlation between how many Pharmacies exist in a given State as a determining factor as to how many medical marijuana dispensaries will be able to open and where they will be placed?


While our black leadership is AWOL on these social and economic issues, they are designing a distribution system that will exclude black people as investors other than as a consumer of these drugs. And the tend is gaining momentum from State to State and will become the nationwide policy, if we do not quickly become a part of the process of the legislative creation on marijuana sales and distribution.


While they are in all reality addressing a serious social problem, which is that they really cannot afford to continue to fund the enforcement of the prohibition of marijuana anymore, they pitched us a curveball to create a blackout in the legislative intent. They devised a plan to distribute medical marijuana first as a way to determine who can distribute it on these basis, so when it becomes legal by federal law as a recreational drug, the distribution system of marijuana will not include many black people and will be setup.


Fact:  Black are about 4 times more likely to get busted for marijuana than whites,  and in proportion to the population the disparity is about 15 times more likely for blacks to get arrested.


This is the proper indicator as to where marijuana is being sold to the consumers  and who is selling it to them and how much.  It is not being sold near our neighborhood Walgreen's Pharmacy.  It is being sold by black people in black ghetto communities and little of the money stays in our community and that is the problem.  But somehow the location of pharmacies and not black communities has become the determining factor as to how many and where the legal market will take place. There is something very wrong with this picture. It is clearly a hypocrisy!


Marijuana is the biggest and its most valued crop in the United States estimated at about $40 billion and it is about to hit Wall Street as a major commodity, after they divide the distribution licenses among themselves. Its value will at least double in 5 to 10 years upwards and above $80 Billion annually. While blacks are a major influence in this legislative change, it clearly doesn't address the black disposition in the policy decisions. Illegal drugs have destroy our community, so now you legalize it and exclude of in the legal process to determine how it will be controlled and regulated?


So I say to our black leadership and investors, wake up and become involved in this nation changing event.  Black leaders with nationwide appeal must open up to these issues creating nationwide social and economic dialog.  People like Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev, Jesse Jackson, Magic Johnson, Min. Louis Farrakhan, Oprah Winfrey, Spike Lee, Sean Combs, Mr. & Mrs. Carter and the many influential black people, must put their money and influence behind this issue to become allowed by law to invest in its distribution.


If we do not act soon, we will be once again left behind tomorrow, while owning an urban basketball team for $1,000,000,000. We will be excluded from a multi-billion dollar industry with world wide prospects and future growth. Therefore as the consumers we are, we will be able to smoke our weed and watch basketball, music videos, and comedies, while we  merely dream about making it big pros one day. But merely surviving in America. Because we are not really included the real economic community controlling issues.


Conjecture: Aside from someone on a white horse coming out of the sky, black's in America only real hope for black community redevelopment nationwide; as a means of recovery from the many years of this war on drugs, whose frontline was in our communities, is the reinvestment of the profits from marijuana production, distribution and sales made in our State and community. And this can and will only happen if we are involved in the legislative process, while securitizing every decision made, will this happen.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


Friday, May 23, 2014

Florida Senate Bill 1030 Unconstitutional

Florida Senate Bill 1030 Unconstitutional
"In 1973 Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA) (F.S. §501.201 et seq.) was enacted to give consumers stronger legal protection against commercial wrongdoing."
"Until 1993, a FDUTPA violation had been a violation of any provision of the act or any rule promulgated by the Department of Legal Affairs (DLA) pursuant to its authority to specify unfair or deceptive acts or practices thereunder. The 1993 amendments expanded the definition to make it current with developing FTC jurisprudence, so as to provide that a violation may be based on of any of the following:

1) Any rules promulgated pursuant to the FTC act or FDUTPA;

2) The standards of unfairness or deception set forth and interpreted by the FTC or the federal courts; or

3) Any law, statute, rule, regulation, or ordinance which proscribes unfair methods of competition, or unfair, deceptive, or unconscionable acts or practices."
(by David J. Federbush - Florida Bar Journal)
The Senate Bill Reads:
"Authorize the establishment of five (5) dispensing organizations to ensure reasonable statewide accessibility and availability as necessary for patients registered in the compassionate use registry and who are ordered low-THC cannabis under this section, one in each of the following regions: northwest Florida, northeast Florida, central Florida, southeast Florida, and southwest Florida."  This clearly excludes South Central Florida as a potential location of a medical marijuana dispensary.
Also, if you read the requirements, you will see how it was designed to give complete control of the distribution of marijuana in the State of Florida to a hand full of people, whereby only a few farmers will even qualify to bid for these contracts.  This is a clear case of unfair methods of competition, or unfair, deceptive, or unconscionable acts or practices. This should be challenged in court.
For full text please read:
" a registered nursery in this state for at least 30 continuous years" and a "$5 million performance bond," or another $33,000 to $50,000 to operate. Then it states, "valid certificate of registration issued by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to s. 581.131 that is issued for the cultivation of more than 400,000 plants."
It is clear what the legal intent is behind Senate Bill 1030, because this bill is designed to support marijuana nurseries that can handle at least 400,000 plants.  While this bill mentions only the production of low grade THC 201 cannabis - low grade- THC-201 marijuana, we all know their is no demand in the whole State of Florida or probably the whole country to support such supplies being produced in 5 dispensaries at 400,000 plants each.   Get real?  This is clearly an act of deception.  It is really a promise to 5 companies, that meet these tailored to fit a few farmers as potential bidders a license worth billions in profits provided Florida votes yes to Florida Right to Medical Marijuana Initiative, Amendment 2 (2014).
The purpose of this bill SB 1030 is to regulate a law that doesn't exist, using unfair competition as a means to distribute these medical marijuana dispensary distribution centers, which could mean billions of dollars of profits to those awarded these privileges.
And it doesn't include all of South Central Florida, yet it claims to be of concern to geographical locations rather than the size of the consumer markets.
While it states in 4th requirement of dispensaries it requires: "An infrastructure reasonably located to dispense low-THC 201 cannabis to registered patients statewide or regionally as determined by the department."
It excludes all of South Central Florida as a potential market. Yet we have most of the agricultural production properties, our economy depends on agriculture. We are actually centrally located and can act as an artery to all other areas on the Florida map. Our location provides the best means of being the central distribution center for the whole operation. Yet we were not even included, clearly do to our market and not our location, which is claims to address.
These are unfair practices anyway you look at it and it should be challenged in court.  We cannot allow the government to create laws of intentions to trade with you in the future legislation. And the irony in Gov. Rick Scott is running for reelection!
Rev. Frank Paul Jones

Florida SB:1030 Rick Scott's Ploy to Control Marijuana Distribution

Florida SB:1030 Rick Scott's Ploy to Control Marijuana Distribution


Note: What I am about to reveal is that if Governor Rick Scott of Florida wins reelection on November 4th, 2014, he and his friends will win control of all of the Florida's medical marijuana distribution for the next two years and then will have a chance at cornering the marijuana nationwide.


Rick Scott and Company makes final move of deception against Floridians, in a quest to control all of Florida's marijuana production and distribution for the next two years and it was passed by the Florida Senate and he promised to pass it. The bill was clearly designed to give control to a maximum of 5 Dispensaries in the whole State of Florida. What concerns me is the requirements to ownership of these dispensaries and their locations. South Central Florida under this law wouldn't even qualify to have a dispensary, which includes Highlands County. I feel this is rural discrimination.


It States:


"Authorize the establishment of five (5) dispensing organizations to ensure reasonable statewide accessibility and availability as necessary for patients registered in the compassionate use registry and who are ordered low-THC cannabis under this section, one in each of the following regions: northwest Florida, northeast Florida, central Florida, southeast Florida, and southwest Florida."


Also, if you read the requirements, you will see how it was designed to give complete control of the distribution of marijuana in the State of Florida to a hand full of people, whereby only a few farmers even qualify to even bid for these contracts.  This is a clear case of corruption due to the lack of Federal oversight.  Making it clear, who can bid from the beginning for a dispensary in the State of Florida, which are his rich friends?


For full text please read:


" a registered nursery in this state for at least 30 continuous years" and a "$5 million performance bond," or another $33,000 to $50,000 to operate. Then it states, "valid certificate of registration issued by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to s. 581.131 that is issued for the cultivation of more than 400,000 plants."


The irony behind this trick he is if he successfully pulls it off  and he is reelected for doing this, having everyone thinking he is trying to get reelected as a reason for his change of heart, is that he will have successfully made his friends billions for years to come.  And for that win their loyalty as well.


Former Governor Charlie Crist has to defeat him and it is even more than before or he will pull this off. What he is actually attempting to do is make the decision that will be the responsibility of the next administration, by passing this Senate Bill 1030, he gets to determine how marijuana is distributed in the State of Florida prior to the actual amendment is passed in November 4th, 2014, that will allow these future distributors to actually benefit in huge profits as a result of SB 1030; because of these decisions being made now.  And therefore, he is lining up a strong lobby group, to fund him based on the billions they will make if he is reelected.  By handing out licenses, he is making multibillion dollar promises to five powerful lobbyists.  Something Charlie Crist has to be aware of, because it will not be the people who will line up and get behind Gov. Scott directly, but who he purchased are these 5 families, who he will promise to give these licenses to if he wins.  SB 1030 is really only symbolic, because the actually laws and restrictions concerning medical marijuana distribution that will earn huge profits and huge tax revenue, cannot create until the amendment is passed. What we have however, is Governor Rick Scott's intent, to monopolize the monopolize industry with a few of his friends.


It is clear this is the legal intent, because this bill is designed to support marijuana nurseries that can handle at least 400,000 plants.  While this bill mentions low grade THC 201 cannabis, we all know their is no demand in the whole State of Florida or probably the whole nation for the supplies of 5 dispensaries producing 400,000 plants each of low grade- THC-201 marijuana. And this is also the flaw of this bill and if Charlie Crist wins, he can correct this and create a fairer system of distribution.  I cannot ethically tell you who to vote for, however, the real question is what are we voting for in November?  Will we sanction a marijuana monopoly?


As things stand, Governor Rick Scott and company will have created a monopoly and will have cornered the marijuana market in the State of Florida for the next two years.


What many people are sleeping on is within two or three years marijuana will very likely become legalized at Federal level, becoming a nationwide commodity.  The Federal Government is not enforcing Federal marijuana laws in States that allow it. To be sold legally. What do you think is next?    And Rick Scott will have not only cornered the market here, but will be in positioned himself and his friends to earn billions of dollars in a drug business controlled by his friends.  


Rev. Frank Paul Jones.







Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Press Release: Medical Marijuana the funding resource

National Community Network, INC. Press Release:

20 May 2014

Operation Solution and Response:

Medical Marijuana the funding resource for our community redevelopment:

 Rev. Frank Paul Jones the President and CEO of the National Community Network, INC., calls on the community leadership of Avon Park, Fl. to start focusing their attention collectively in a collaborative effort.  We must start the conversations and open the dialog on the shaping of the new medical marijuana laws and restrictions that must be drafted and signed into law by our state and local lawmakers.  These conversations must begin soon to satisfy the requirements of Florida Statute as a result of the passing of the new restrictive medical marijuana law just recently passed by our state legislators which will go into effect 3 January 2015.
The National Community Network stands behind the government taxation of medical marijuana and request that the proceeds from its taxation be redirected back to the Southside Redevelopment Area and other CRA districts and that the first Medical marijuana dispensary permit be awarded to the National Community Network, INC., who is located in the heart of the Southside Redevelopment Area business district.  We feel this area was one of the hardest hit by the illegal drug trade and should be the first to benefit from its legalization even if only for medical use. There are a lot of sick people in this world and in our community.
The earnings from medical marijuana sales will create decent paying jobs in our area, fund "Operation Solution and Response," a local initiative to foster community redevelopment, reduce crime and reduce criminal recidivism.
Rev. Frank Paul Jones - President and CEO  
The National Community Network, INC.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

NFL 8th Round Pick Overshadows Draft

NFL 8th Round Pick Overshadows Draft


Michael Sam was draft pick number 249 by the St. Louis Ram on Saturday May 10th 2014, becoming the first openly gay football player to be drafted into the NFL.  He was personally congratulated by the President of the United States, President Obama.


I think by Michael Sam admitting to his sexual orientation publicly prior to the NFL draft, brought on to himself a great opportunity, because of all the media attention he attracted to himself. Everything he does from here on will be watched by the media and transmitted to the world by the media.


I watched him speak on CNN at a press conference. He was well spoken as if this was already written in screenplay. It was like if this was well planned by him and his associates and he is playing his cards very well so far.


I noticed nothing feminine about him, but it is obvious at first sight that his boyfriend is probably gay.  His boyfriend has the character of the type of person promoted by the LBG community as being born with a predisposition for homosexuality. Not so for Michael Sam! His character is that of being without love or family support, decisions made to survive and eat and basically a preferred lifestyle, but hardly a predisposition.  And he simply decided to cash in on it. It seems he feels he should get paid for doing what he enjoys.  So things will happen in his favor unless he slips on a banana peel or something vengeful happens on the football field, because his game plan is well mapped out and he now has the right people supporting whatever he does from now on as a role model of 21st century America. Which he seems to feel is secondary as he said, he couldn't do anything about the many homosexual discrimination practices. It is not his current agenda.


I think Michael Sam has a great opportunity to do something good for himself, from advertisement endorsements to his own reality television show, which is already happening to him without pay by the news media like CNN.  Because now people want to know about him and his personal life because he opened the doors for the world to observe and judge him as a homosexual person and not an necessarily as an athlete.  However his success on the field would help him a lot. 


While he claims he only wants to be judged by his performance on the football field, he kissed his lover in front of the camera for all the world to see, which had nothing to do with his athletic performances. But to change the way we view sexuality in American media.  It worked!  It seems the only thing being offered by him to judge is his sexuality and well mannered character.  Therefore he has to get paid.  Well planned!  This is what the LBG community needs to advance their causes and agendas.


My concern isn't so much Michael Sam and his sexual orientation, but the way it is being played out on the media and the agenda behind those promoting this reality programming being tuned into before all of America ad the world.  My concern is how it effects the  many people who still find themselves to be intolerant to what is going on  and must happen and is losing their faith in God, not because they do not believe in God, but because they are full of anger and hatred, which no place for God to enter. Thereby the person actually being injured is not the person who they see as living in sin and supposedly condemned, but themselves because hatred is like a drunk and it will destroy you and you are God's temple and if you destroy it, he will destroy you.


As for Michael Sam, who I believe wrote this script, will have to now play it out.  To do such a thing he had to be an opportunist.   Most opportunist are not influenced by external causes such as LBG Rights, but only takes advantage of them for their own personal agenda. All I can say is to those you say they are of God, learn to love all people and has no anger or hatred against anyone. We must have faith in God. We do not know who is behind him or his purpose, but time will tell.


What do we know?


A man with a troubled past from large and poor family, whereby 3 of his siblings are in prison and 3 of them got killed, was disowned by his father and found a family outside of his bloodline.  He completes college a first in his family and makes it to the NFL draft. 


He is in a homosexual relationship at 6' 2" and 256 LBS at age 24, with a feminine type mate as he plays the male rule so it seems. He exposed his sexual orientation to the world prior to the 2014 NFL draft and captured the attention of all of America with direct recognition by our President Barack Obama. How many young black men did this in prison at age 24, due to long prison sentences?  This hardly made them spokesman for the LBG community.  But he will get $20 Million or more and all they got was felony conviction.


So I close with this:


A man who was said to be condemned due to his homosexual practices came to the rescue of a stranger, he did not know. While a man who claimed he was born again in Christ lied on this same name man causing the need for him to be rescued.  This stranger was the Son of Man. For this reason I tell you no man is condemned as long as he still has the breath of life and certainly no man is saved just because he proclaims to be of God in the name of Jesus Christ.  This give to an understanding of these teachings out of the bible.


Read Ephesians 2: 1-10 We were all made alive thru Christ.


3All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh a and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath

4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.


10For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


It is our duty to God to love all of mankind, not allowing foolish anger and hatred to influence our lives in any way and thereby truly having faith in God that he will prevail.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano

Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Donald Sterling Dispute Resolution

Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Donald Sterling Dispute Resolution


First of all, Earvin "Magic" Johnson has been with us since the beginning of his Los Angeles Lakers career. I set him up to look like a child molester in the eyes of a 13 year old girl named Janet Jackson around May of 1980 while he was in LA for the Lakers, so that she would want to and would give birth have to a child and for other reasons as well.  For this I owed him.  His great career and  miraculous recovery from his knee injury, was inspired by God.


The Fact Behind Magic HIV positive status:


We created the AIDS virus in the winter of 1976-77 in Germany under the direction of then CIA Director George H. W. Bush and it as later released by the Reagan Administration into the world around 1981.


In 1989 we developed a cure to AIDS, however, it was never released by the United States Government in partnership with the Gambino Family under leadership of Apostle Paul Castellano and the enforcement of Dom John J. Gotti.


Magic Johnson was injected with the AIDS virus by our direction, when he went overseas for some event to play basketball.  The L.A. Lakers coach Pat Riley instructed him to take some shots and he trusted Pat Riley.  This destroyed the remaining years in his career and embarrassed him due to the misunderstanding of this disease and how it evolved but he had a higher calling for us.  We later cured him of the virus that causes AIDS to proved to the government that we cured the disease in 1989.  It was for this reason we gave him this dreadful disease, we knew we could cure him when we made him sick, but we had to prove it is curable and we control this medication.


This made him a real community leader and a spokesman for the pharmaceuticals industry and a spokesmen for many AIDS causes.  This made him more money than he could have ever made playing basketball at that time. And what his life evolved into is much more meaningful. So Donald Sterling was wrong about Magic getting AIDS by screwing women all over the country as a NBA basketball player, but in fact he was used by God to help a lot of people who would later suffer and even die due to this dreadful disease place upon mankind. And he has done wonderful things within the black community and now with the help of Donald Sterling we will be able to at least double his efforts.


This is my position for the above reasons:


1: Donald Sterling will apologized to Earvin "Magic" Johnson in private first and in public secondly.


2: Donald Sterling will agree to sell his NBA franchise, with these conditions included.


A) As a result of forfeiture of his ownership of this NBA franchise the L.A. Clippers, his lifetime ban to not attend NBA basketball games be lifted. He is too old to alienated, but I think the NBA has to be concerned with his health as a result of the sale of his team. I think the NBA should show some compassion.


B) Donald Sterling agrees to a selling his team for a minimum of the current value and no more than $1 Billion.


C) The buyer be required to pay cash without taking a loan and therefore must have net assets to afford a basketball team as a discretionary investment used as tax write-offs.


D) Donald Sterling and Earvin "Magic" Johnson join in partnership to do community work.  Donald Sterling stated he wants to do more for minorities and he wants Earvin "Magic" Johnson to accept his help. And Earvin "Magic" Johnson said he is a God fearing man, who devoted his life's work to serving Urban America.


If Donald Sterling is sincere my decision will seem to be a blessing to him, but if he is not being real it will seem like punishment.  Donald Sterling will donate all the profits made from the sale of the L.A. Clippers, which could be about $1 Billion and whatever Donald Sterling comes up with, I want Earvin "Magic" Johnson to match thru his network. I want them to agree on a plan and I think we need to think outside the box to create a nationwide food distribution system that will empower black communities to share in the food industry and create at least 30,000 to 50,000 jobs in the process.


The idea is to own farms, trucks, and retail establishments to deliver our products, be it fast food or supermarkets, which must be determined based on analysis and research.  And for this to work Earvin "Magic" Johnson has to expand is duty to man to rural areas like Avon Park, Fl., and Highlands County. You cannot feed urban America with rural America as our source to food products.


E) Invest at least $100 million in the marijuana industry.  And us the profits from this product for non profit charities and support.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano  





Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rev. Paul Rebukes Posse Against NBA Franchise Owner

Rev. Paul Rebukes Posse Against NBA Franchise Owner


I have been working hard and for many hours daily on "Operation Solution and Response," which is a project designed to redevelop as well as develop communities in Avon Park, Fl and nationwide that are blight and slum and as a result have become criminally plight.  This is the state of many of our black communities across our nation. Enormously high unemployment rates, an literacy problem making the unemployment problem that much harder to overcome, high crime rates and too much criminal recidivism to name a few of our woes we are faced with everyday.


Then I noticed after several weeks of following the search for flight 370 on CNN, now the issue is Donald Sterling and his ownership of the L.A. Clippers being forced from him. He bought the franchise for about $10M and by acting like he doesn't want to sell his team, we will probably bamboozle several black people out of about $1,000,000,000.  We all know the best way to pass an interview is to act like you really do not need the job.


When Minister Louis Farrakhan tried to reach out to black millionaires and entertainers to start the rebuilding process Detroit, which we could now buy into dirt cheep,  he got no attention from them or the media.  Meanwhile cities all over America are going bankrupt and the Untied States Government stands behind the National Climate Assessment findings that will be released on Tuesday, for us all to find out we are about to be faced with climate changes that will completely change our economy, real estate landscape and food supplies. 


Anyone who is a serious investor either knows the findings already as an insider or will wait to plan their future agenda in order to survive these changes economically.  The key has always been real estate and it will become even more relevant as a result of these findings.   And everyone already knows California was one of the hardest to be hit by real estate foreclosures.  The California economy has been hit hard and whole cities are going bankrupt there that are not far for Los Angeles, California.  But we want to give this evil white, Jewish billionaire as we put it for the rights of his social club in the form of an NBA franchise.  And enter into bylaws that will allow these same people to force him to sell his property to you and he is one of them.  So what are your future prospects and security in this investment?  Do you really think you will be an equal owner in this click?  What will stop them from making you sell you franchise later or they selling theirs and leaving you with nothing but an old illusion that no longer has luster and an empty arena needing repairs?  The NBA will not continue to grow forever, if for no other reason than scientific developments such as steroids.


I honestly feel that the NBA and other professional sport leagues like baseball and football has about reached their peak. When I was a child we saw sports as a way out of our oppressive situation as means to grow without focusing on education. And for many generations sports has taken the academic focus away from many of our youth, whereby only a few made it to the pros but too many are now grown and unemployable, due the lack of education that ignored to watch their hero play a meaningless game.


Entertainment as a whole has always been the way out of oppression for poor black, but only a few are allowed to enter in to this world of, prestige and too often once in there they sell their souls, to something someone else built on their backs. They become loyal to something their masters only created as a scheme to make a profit and control masses. But what we fail to recognize is that everything we engage in must have an exit plan as does everything any wise investor does.  Nothing is forever and the days of professional sports and even movies and music are fading into another way of doing business.


Technology such as computer generated movies in 3D on personal computers, using software to create screenplays that become interactive, will make going to the movies obsolete or not as important for many.  I already have a program called "Movie Magic Screenwriter," which plays back my screens in several assigned voices, so what more will it take to create a visual program that integrate with screenplay programs in 10 or 20 years?  Why go to the movies when you can see your own screenplay in animation 3D, right on you desktop?


Steroids are already widespread to the point that rules of these leagues have to be changed to prevent these superhuman creations from killing off each other.  With the research on DNA technology in its advance stages, we will be able to take a baby born to have type 2 diabetes and turn her into the next Michael Jordan and yes I said her, in 10 to 20 years.  So what will be the value of professional athletes in just 10 or 20 years, when all it will take is an injection and less practice in the craft?


What I see is black slaves who have been emancipated, who now want to come back and buy the slave master's farm, not realizing that they are the product, which is cheap labor, by paying a few enormously high salaries, he was able to oppress a whole nation of people for many generations, by creating unrealistic dreams of future successes based on crazy odds and only if we outdo all of our neighbors will we succeed. So we were assigned to fight each other from day one, starting with competitive sports, we seemed to have taken to serious as means of survival.  And a photo of Oprah or Michael Jordan sealed the dream, at least for that day and tomorrow the process is always repeated.


The problem is however an oxymoron.  How can Donald Sterling be a determent to the NBA game and it is his game?  What has happened is now we all now see the reality of what is going on in the NBA circle of ownership.  My problem is that are black youths committed themselves to a way out of our community only to forsaken us when they made it big, when they got out of our community. Now they want to give everything back to the slave master and take his place of arrogance at the front seat of the arena.  We want to sit in the front seats of basketball games now and be able to say these are my race horses, which was all you were for a good wage and now you are mad because Donald Sterling made it public. It wrong for us as a community of people to come together with $1B to give it to a white, Jewish, multibillionaire as punishment for talking too much. And if this is what the people who we gave custody to hold our money, being everything belongs to the Lord, plans to do with it, on our day we will say we do not know you.


You are for us or against us!


An example of a wise investment already made:


McDonald's Average Annual Revenue: $2.3M in 2009 with an average net profit of $96,000 = $100,000 per store income. This based on getting business loan and not buying the franchises with cast money.


Total Investment: $1M - $2M or about $1.5M each


Total Restaurants in the United States = 12,739


One Billion divided by 1.5 Million = 666 Restaurants or half of all of the McDonald Franchises in the United States.  And each restaurant needs about 50 people to operate, meaning $1B or the price of the L.A. Clippers, could create at least 33,300 jobs nationwide.


Therefore a 1$ billion loan to invest solely in McDonald restaurant franchises would bring in  about 666 restaurants x $100G profit per store = $66,600,000 per year. Just for being able to acquire the loan and purchase the businesses.


If we can buy 666 McDonald's Franchises for $1B, we should be asking how many restaurants can we open in black communities nationwide for that amount, while creating a system of distribution to these restaurants, which goes all the way back to the farms and packaging plants. At investments averaging $250G, we could open over 2,000 - 3,000 restaurants and also develop a system of distribution we control from the trucks to the farm land in Highlands County, Florida.  But we want to be seen in Los Angeles in the front seat of a basketball game. So I am really asking who do these people serve that is going up against Donald Sterling, trying to force him to sell this bullshit asset without any real future returns to rich black folks?


My argument  is why can we as black people come together to buy a damn basketball team at its peak value and will only lose value and fast at $1 Billion and cannot simply use our own vision and build something from scratch with our minds and not always get on the coattails of whites. Why can't we design something and grow it from the beginning?  Why after 100's of years white folks ate our cooking, can we not start our own fast food restaurant franchise nationwide?  When we know we have the best recipes, why cannot we take control of our communities that are so valuable if only we cultivate it.  How fast? It might be found out on Tuesday when National Climate Assessment findings are released.


Highlands County, Florida has  the cows to make hamburgers and chickens to fry and plenty of farm land available cheep. This place is uniquely valuable due to its location. Send us some of that money. Damn the Clippers and Donald Sterling!


Rev. Paul - President and CEO

The National Community Network 


Thursday, May 8, 2014

President Obama Climate Change and Highlands County

President Obama Climate Change and Highlands County


On Tuesday The National Climate Assessment with is 1,300 pages of documents complied by 300 leading scientist and experts, will be released. It is said that climate change in America is in clear and present danger and that nobody will go unaffected by this in all of America.  President Obama stands by these documents and will make himself available to several meteorologist by doing eight interviews on Tuesday as well.


Things like food prices are going to skyrocket in the near future, there is going to be more floods and more serious hurricanes and tornadoes which will be more extreme.  Therefore the rate of insurance will go up as well and insurance companies are very powerful and is said to rule the world.  Everything is going to become more extreme and as I said, places like Highlands County will eventually become beachfront property, while places like New York City may well have palm trees in 20 or 30 years and places like Miami and the West Coast of California will eventually go under water, as they are already doing so.  But for some reason people think these trends are going to reverse or the major damages will not be in their lifetime.


Therefore what I am bringing to the attention of the people of our community here in Avon Park, is that it is time to become active and do community work, to build us a better community, that will be self sufficient or be prepared for an hostile takeover, by the new pioneers of the 21st century.  Real estate prices which are still declining here has to go up in Highlands County and in a big way, due to its value on the future world market and supply in demand will speak for itself. 


Many outsiders are now buying up these tax certificates when people fall behind on their taxes, because it is a very good and sound investment for the future economy down here. And the poor Avon Park residents here in Highlands County and the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park are like the Indians to the Europeans who just entered into the new world with the vision of a new world and great development and if we do not take part in this transition for rural area to urban area, we will be eliminated from the environment of people, whose purpose is about development and changes in the way business is done down here.


When you deal with real estate people, the most important aspect of it is location and price.  Like the owner of the L.A. Clippers (location), he bought the L.A. Clippers at $10 Million (price) and now they call themselves punishing this multi-billionaire by giving him another billion for a $10 Million investment.  Not realizing that he is a real estate tycoon and if he sells that team, it is sign that is best that many other owners also consider an exit plan and selling to some black fool.  While place like Detroit and Avon Park is being given away.  The NBA will not forever increase in value, because it is just a game controlled by a small white click.  When the day comes when the black ballplayers and former black ballplayers of the NBA can come together and be allowed to fire or force out an 80 year old white lawyer at that Donald Sterling from the NBA, because he doesn't want his girlfriend of color to hangout with black men and take pictures with them.  I could have been jealousy and not racism at all?  


If this happens many of the owners may no longer see the benefit of ownership of a NBA franchise. I had to say this, because no code of ethics in the professional world can control who one fraternizes with. If he would have said, "pay them less for being black," or something of that nature, I would have been onboard. But he doesn't have to like black people or we them as equal in an employer and employee relationship or allow his girlfriend to hangout with them (blacks) or any other protected group for that matter and many black people do not like him, for no other reason but for him being rich, white and Jewish, which is the perfect combination to target poor black hatred towards as an excuse for our oppression and I would like to know what the real intent of all of this is?  Anyway and back on the subject.


Highlands County, Florida is geographically located in South-Central Florida at about 11 feet above sea level.  Therefore when places like Tampa and Miami get hit with powerful hurricanes, we are often hit with merely a strong wind.  Because of our location however many people with money tend to relocated seasonally, leaving here to go up North for the summer, because it really does get very hot down here during the summer months.


Therefore, it is my prediction that a lot of major real estate investors are about to take a huge interest in Highlands County, Florida.  Why? Because of its location and because it is basically undeveloped and underdeveloped. This means an opportunity for the people who are here now, because they will need people to do development work in this area and local labor is usually preferred if the workforce is capable of doing the job needed to be performed. This report will be a game changer and things are going to happen fast. And you can believe people will take this serious, because it comes with President Obama's endorsement, meaning a lot of government money will be used differently in the future as well.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones - President and CEO

The National Community Network, INC.



Supporting the Local Businesses

Supporting the Local Businesses:


When America in general faces a recession the people in poor communities across America already are experiencing a depression.  Hard economic times is nothing new to poor America.  And the Southside Redevelopment Area is now in a state of depression.  Many of our businesses are failing or struggling because of the lack investment capital. Causing less money to circulate within our community, which is an already over unemployed population and under invested.  These are some of the after effects of long term poor economic conditions.


While the Avon Park CRA announced that South District's South Delaney Avenue will receive a much needed overhaul of the streets and roads through a federally funded CDBG Grant, the plans within local government to redevelop the businesses in this area do not go far enough.  While the CRA already condemned at least two major properties in this area in our recent history, we at the National Community Network is concerned with the remaining properties being determined as plight, as of the results of these improved streets and roads.  If the businesses are not improved the properties on the Delaney Avenue Strip may then appear to be plight as a result of progress community progress. And that would a be a sad time in the history of all of Avon Park, Fl.


The Avon Park "new historic facade grant," is a step in the right direction, but is hardly enough.  First of all, for many of the businesses that could use these grants, they are struggling, or cannot reopen due lack of investment capital and/or is behind on property taxes. So to offer them a dollar for dollar grant to improve the external areas, with 100% upfront cash required, is really a slap in the face.  What is actually being said is if you can put up $10,000 to fix your property, we will give you a refund of $5,000 at a later date.


Here is the middle ground and what we think should be done. The properties that qualify for the new historic facade grant, be given the grant by creating an escrow account.  This way properties that need these grants most, can apply for them and when they come up with the matching funds, they will be able too use the money set aside for their property renovations.  This could be the beginning of a comprehensive program whereby government and citizens can work together, to accomplish the redevelopment of the Southside Redevelopment Area's Southside District.


One must attempt to understand the reality and state of South Delaney Avenue.  It is a slum area.  And then one must take into  consideration the proud history of S. Delaney Ave.  With this understanding, we will be able to see the logic of trying to restore these business properties to their current owners.  By doing this, we will be able to start a transformation within community to become a safer, cleaner and more independent, by reducing crime based on property ownership  incentives to care take their restored properties.  Either this or the CDBG Grant will be meaningless to our current property owners, which means we are all be subject to a hostile takeover in the future, due to the increased value of the real estate.  It happened in New York City's Harlem Communities and it can happen here.  We all know Avon Park, FL., is prime real estate just waiting for major investors to come to a compromise with these local agriculture tycoons.


Now what I will propose may have sounded far-reaching just a year ago, but today it is a rational thought process and its foundation is principle based.  We believe the solution to the redevelopment of the Southside Redevelopment Area, is the new taxes on the sales of medical marijuana in State of Florida and City of Avon Park. Whereby as of its inception into law, the City of Avon Park, FL., sell a 10 year - $150,000 municipal bond, splitting  the $150,000 equally among Avon Park CRA Districts and continue to give at least 50% of these taxes towards CRA designated areas in Avon Park for the history of this law or until it is determined to no loner be needed.   


The $50,000 for the Southside Redevelopment Area, should be used to start the redevelopment process of our businesses.  It should be a comprehensive plan that requires active participation by the grantees and or management of these businesses.  Because fixing a building and putting equipment inside it, without the assurance of proper management is a cocktail for failure. We believe that a major part of our problem is the lack of knowledge concerning business practices. Many of these properties were within families for more than one generation and while beneficiaries may have inherited the family properties, they did not necessarily inherit the family business or know how.