Thursday, January 15, 2015

The True Meaning of Prophesy

The True Meaning of Prophesy

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

I am so horny, never like before, but I am turning back into spiritual being.  And until I understand what5 is going on with me, I must not touch anyway sexually.  When I was a child, it was like I knew everything and now it is starting to happen again.  You could not even lie to me, often I could answer someone before they finish the question. I was without sin, because I was shooting blanks and was above the law.  My seed is not going to be a blank anymore and the process f God took about 55 years.  I know this world will burn, if I do not continue to feed them information, because they are really fucked up.  And I know all they do is lie and they knew who I was all the time since birth, reading my blogs and all.

So if I play their game, I will be doing this forever.  They do not ever plain to settle.  The only way to fulfill  prophesy and you all survive is repentance before  total destruction.  Understand I have the spirit and now one else.

I think Alicia Keys  is a lie as well as Keba and Dale.  If they have the spirit why I do not know them or them me?  I do not believe anything that man says and the bible forewarned me.  If you understand these files and how they are setup and the fact that I understand?  Tells you what? I created this world and without me it will burn by fire.  That is prophesy?  And why should I save anyone, who is against me? Because I am God?  But is you love Satan you hate me, so why save my enemies?

My option to procreate, if I feel they (my so-called Queens - who are all demons)  take too long, is to create a band of Vagabonds.  And live like Gypsy people, travel and make babies, I should know them in the spirit and they know me. If all I make is 20 children in case eternal life is another lie, they placed into my mind under mind control.  They can never be held down and suppressed as they did with one God against 8 billion Devils.  Then they say, if you was God, you would this or that? Under 1 God against 8 billion Demons?

Then I said to myself. How do they think they are smarter than us?  When they pretend a man was captured, they send Special Forces after them, because they leave no man behind?  One of two things must happen if they continue to try and make me accept the mark of the beast 666 who is the Nazi's in order to have anything.  If you do not go by their rules, you are screwed here on earth?  You cannot trade, therefore all my Queens are top demon crop.

1. If the world is destroyed by fire, I will raise, because you cannot kill my spirit.

2.  My God Family will come back after me and destroy everyone who was against me not one person believed in me to include house nigger Janet.  And if that does not change by May 2015, you know what time it is?

Also, I know, I am afraid to die. The first law of nature is self-preservation.   I will never commit suicide, but I will give you shot at me, but it will be you whom gets the bullet.  But I know they cannot kill me.  That is the key, unlike the Black Panthers and Muslims, the Nazi Germans are afraid to die. Then I will kill everyone who sent him.  Sure in the movies they (The Nazi's) take poison rather than be captured in war  But Adolf Hitler ran?  So knowing I cannot lose, the only way to make this work and stop telling them anything, unless I am comfortable.

I know nobody believed me and this can go on forever if I allow it to. I believe my bloodline is the Anti-Christ in partnership with Satan.  They hat God, because master do well by them.  Therefore, I will not tell them anything until they at least settle my VA account so I can get me an apartment.  It is not about black or white, you all are all together against me.  I'd rather destroy all of this earth and everyone on it, but a few woman and repopulate with spiritual children, who can never draft away.

When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

10 As it is written:
“There is no one righteous, not even one;

Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;

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