Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The World Space Travel Committee

The World Space Travel Committee

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

The NASA-ESA-FKA-CNSA Space Travel Alliance

The WSTC or World Space Travel Committee

In short:

50 Years Operation: We will re-teach the world and establish the history of man.  This will create activity throughout the world. From books to new educational systems, based on creating workers and not molding slaves. Most of the time spent in college is a waste.

I will go with something of socialism, but you cannot remove royal class.  Once we redesign our economy based on resources, production process and knowledge of sorts and not a diamond or gold, ones quality of life, will be based on their contributions or place in society.

Major economic terminology changes. Our social classes should not be based on capitalist ideals, but on status. An example is in my world a poor person is simply godless and has nothing to do with economics. But the least of our social class is being  blessed.  Everyone is blessed and provided for as long as they work.  And I can make life fun and  things you buy will last.  I can no longer waste resources.  The worst you can do in my world is be blessed.  This can be all mind, body and spirit someday.

Create Google Solar System and then Google know universe.  While we re-teach the world, we need to assess what we need to truly space travel on Solar 1.  How fast are we moving and what is the formation of the stars 1,000 years from now? Or how long do we have before we meet the next solar system that can support life. Artificial gravity. If believe with a constant energy source, we can create gravity and therefore a sustainable oxygen supply within a gravitational pull.  This would mean long term stays on other planets.

The goal is a solar defense system.  Our first objective is to place satellites around every planet, as a world effect. Then we can assess the planets for energy and determine how to place space stations there. I think it will require robotics.

What is smarter, this investment or whatever the hell you are doing?

But you?  You want to fight over who runs Rome and all kinds of dumb shit.

Jesus Christ

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