Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Talking Things into Existence

Talking Things into Existence
Jesus Christ

Many of these guys men can rap, but do not know anything to rap about.  And they have no musical talent whatsoever.  If I was Prince or Jam & Lewis, type artistic and producer type talent, I would look into loops.  A CD album cost $12.99 to$15.99 but should cost $5.00 and you should be able to make $2.00 per CD sold in such a deal.  Concerts cost $200 easy, they should cost about $5 at most depending on security and smaller venues are preferable for safety reasons and quality.

Once you understand that the music industry is about sending out secret messages and mind control and you begin to control your artistic expression and love and respect me, you become the air or the wave.  Satan uses you to send out his messages and artistic controls keep you in a self-destructive mode or behavior, which spreads like a virus.  My point the artist is the insider trader, because he is who they hear everyday.  You are the sole instructor of those who cannot read.  Therefore all they know is what they hear and I do not preach.

We need to go beyond the wisdom of Prince, when spoke about abusing your child, will create a lunatic like him.  Remember it is not what you eat, but what you say.  The world must know about homosexuality among men.  The Freedom of Speech Movement is trying to master the power of the word for evil.  The process of homosexuality among men begins in infancy.

Our women where never told as a people on platforms like the Oprah Show, who is one of them, she just starred in the movie Selma and Dr. King's job was not civil rights but sex rights for the New Left's agenda. The Freedom of Speech Movement?  How can an atheist and man of God stand together? Satan cannot fix this shit and as long as they is here I will not fix it, because I will have to fix them permanently. 

I was upfront.  I will invest in the solar system, to create space stations throughout our solar space ship. We can call it "Solar 1."  Once we make it to Pluto and determine how close we will be to the next world that support human life.  Once you leave us, it will pull you in. 

I guess Prince Jesus will than see you in 2,000 years or whatever calculation to move out to another solar system.  Here it seems to be 3,000 years in total. But if you complete the process, all the bullshit will be unnecessary. And that I think is the prophesy?  You have to come to your senses. You have to complete the process.  Being white is played out.  We can travel forever as one spirit, throughout the universe or repeat the process in another solar system and next time you see us, you will be so primitive, they will all be like gods and you'll mere humans after 6,000 years? You will have cursed yourselves and will have to be dealt with like pets.  What else can someone 3,000 years behind do?  You will be to us then, what a monkey is to you now.

Jesus Christ

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