Thursday, January 1, 2015

I AM Black Messiah – The Death of the FBI & Satan

Proof I AM Black Messiah – The Death of the FBI

Rev. Frank Paul Jones is the Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

Recorded in FBI Records

Delphine Roberts – Key Witness – FBI Informant.
She claims to be related to the "king and queen
Of Wales [sic] and Mary Queen of Scots," as well as "being one of
The very few, since the beginning of the world, who has ever read
The sacred scrolls that God himself wrote and gave to the ancient
Hebrews for placing in the Ark of the Covenant.... 
When Huey Newton got killed his last words were:

Newton's last words, as he stood facing his killer, were, "You can kill my body, and you can take my life but you can never kill my soul. My soul will live forever!" He was then shot twice

The Black Panthers are my 144,000 and they are not just gang bangers but are doctors, lawyers and accountant and we control Cash Money Records, G-Unit and Rultless Records.  They know what went down in Jonestown, it was mind control and reproduction technology. They planned to use to fuck us up again.

Example, they know I hate anyone of power against me.  The world is not big enough for a servant of Satan. They wanted me to think the Black Panthers are Communist. Like the Nation of Islam is Muslim, yet my father Prophet Elijah was the leader, who was the messenger of God and just who you think I AM. Who do you think they were looking for and who do you think send them looking.

I was running the Government as Paul Castellano as the Son of Carlo Gambino, while allowing my own investigations telling them nothing but how they will expose themselves.  Meanwhile they investigate my father who planted the seed.  Think about it. The Black Panthers are Malcolm X. who had to know about the mind control research.  I told you he met me before he died and chose death before dishonor.  He said, the Chickens have come home to Roast.

He died, so we can live?  That was not me.  It was them and know for example notice all the great Black Panther leaders who died seeds today are of greatness and now they know what to do, because we all know who I am, because the white man had to tell you.

Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Birdman, Slim, Jay-Z, Eazy-E Jr.. Just had to mention that.

The Point:  They all were about to fuck up everything and go up against me. But I wrote the script and Satan thought Paul Castellano was a stupid ingenious house nigger to never get paid.  When they realized what time it was it was too late.  In 1989, we all met for the last time in spirit in the Pub in Queensbridge. When they took down John J. Castellano aka Gotti, they still did not know who I was. They thought John ruled over me.

Now my 144,000 heard the code. The code is the truth about who is who. Now we can identify everyone who reports to the FBI, stop that, they are only trying to set us up to be divided, but the Lord has awaken and therefore we can no longer be deceived by Satan.

Now my 144,000 they thought they created becomes their worst enemy.  They are about 13,000 strong and we know they are not Cops or law enforcement, but are the enemy of God and the anti-Christ.  My men are men, willing to die and they know their seeds will live forever with me?  If I was you, I would pack my bags and go back to Germany.  Killing you, is the duty of every American.  I give you a week to think about it.  All the living Presidents know what you plan for them. So who is going to protect you, if I decide to take you out?

Oath of Allegiance (United States):

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.

Now is God?

If I wake up tomorrow and every one of you were lined up and shot. That would not be a Cop killing, but our duty to our nation. If I was you, I would start the hearings to divide the weeds from the wheat’s.  The FBI, the Confederate Government, the Communist or simply Satan is finished and done dealing.

The persons behind all this hatred and destruction, is not the White Man, because I just could not one on all the earth.  The so-called white man wants life, he has a blood line to prove that, but his error was he feared the black man as ruler, but now every one is human beings.

The culprit is the homosexuals. As we black or white held to the first law of nature, which is self preservation, he is the only one the homosexual who religion promises you death. He says follow the 12 steps and DIE SOBER!  He promises us death, but our God promises us life if we kill Satan first. We all have been bamboozled by faggot ass bitch, we must love or be accused of hate crimes, meanwhile he is robbing the house of God and taking every dime of charity meant for the poor.

Jesus Christ

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