Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Donald Sterling Dispute Resolution

Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Donald Sterling Dispute Resolution


First of all, Earvin "Magic" Johnson has been with us since the beginning of his Los Angeles Lakers career. I set him up to look like a child molester in the eyes of a 13 year old girl named Janet Jackson around May of 1980 while he was in LA for the Lakers, so that she would want to and would give birth have to a child and for other reasons as well.  For this I owed him.  His great career and  miraculous recovery from his knee injury, was inspired by God.


The Fact Behind Magic HIV positive status:


We created the AIDS virus in the winter of 1976-77 in Germany under the direction of then CIA Director George H. W. Bush and it as later released by the Reagan Administration into the world around 1981.


In 1989 we developed a cure to AIDS, however, it was never released by the United States Government in partnership with the Gambino Family under leadership of Apostle Paul Castellano and the enforcement of Dom John J. Gotti.


Magic Johnson was injected with the AIDS virus by our direction, when he went overseas for some event to play basketball.  The L.A. Lakers coach Pat Riley instructed him to take some shots and he trusted Pat Riley.  This destroyed the remaining years in his career and embarrassed him due to the misunderstanding of this disease and how it evolved but he had a higher calling for us.  We later cured him of the virus that causes AIDS to proved to the government that we cured the disease in 1989.  It was for this reason we gave him this dreadful disease, we knew we could cure him when we made him sick, but we had to prove it is curable and we control this medication.


This made him a real community leader and a spokesman for the pharmaceuticals industry and a spokesmen for many AIDS causes.  This made him more money than he could have ever made playing basketball at that time. And what his life evolved into is much more meaningful. So Donald Sterling was wrong about Magic getting AIDS by screwing women all over the country as a NBA basketball player, but in fact he was used by God to help a lot of people who would later suffer and even die due to this dreadful disease place upon mankind. And he has done wonderful things within the black community and now with the help of Donald Sterling we will be able to at least double his efforts.


This is my position for the above reasons:


1: Donald Sterling will apologized to Earvin "Magic" Johnson in private first and in public secondly.


2: Donald Sterling will agree to sell his NBA franchise, with these conditions included.


A) As a result of forfeiture of his ownership of this NBA franchise the L.A. Clippers, his lifetime ban to not attend NBA basketball games be lifted. He is too old to alienated, but I think the NBA has to be concerned with his health as a result of the sale of his team. I think the NBA should show some compassion.


B) Donald Sterling agrees to a selling his team for a minimum of the current value and no more than $1 Billion.


C) The buyer be required to pay cash without taking a loan and therefore must have net assets to afford a basketball team as a discretionary investment used as tax write-offs.


D) Donald Sterling and Earvin "Magic" Johnson join in partnership to do community work.  Donald Sterling stated he wants to do more for minorities and he wants Earvin "Magic" Johnson to accept his help. And Earvin "Magic" Johnson said he is a God fearing man, who devoted his life's work to serving Urban America.


If Donald Sterling is sincere my decision will seem to be a blessing to him, but if he is not being real it will seem like punishment.  Donald Sterling will donate all the profits made from the sale of the L.A. Clippers, which could be about $1 Billion and whatever Donald Sterling comes up with, I want Earvin "Magic" Johnson to match thru his network. I want them to agree on a plan and I think we need to think outside the box to create a nationwide food distribution system that will empower black communities to share in the food industry and create at least 30,000 to 50,000 jobs in the process.


The idea is to own farms, trucks, and retail establishments to deliver our products, be it fast food or supermarkets, which must be determined based on analysis and research.  And for this to work Earvin "Magic" Johnson has to expand is duty to man to rural areas like Avon Park, Fl., and Highlands County. You cannot feed urban America with rural America as our source to food products.


E) Invest at least $100 million in the marijuana industry.  And us the profits from this product for non profit charities and support.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones - aka Apostle Paul Castellano  





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