Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Janet Jackson Hermaphrodite Lesbian Dike ISIS Whore

Janet Jackson  Hermaphrodite Lesbian Dike ISIS Whore

By: Apostle Paul Castellano

The former Janet Jackson is one of the most nasty bitches on earth. And because of what just happened I am over the bitch really.

Janet Jackson is truly a hardcore lesbian and pays her prostitute lover to suck her.  She really became inseparable from her true love Rene Elizondo, to the point, to talk to her it must go through him, but she says I really love you Paul?  She is clearly Louis Farrakhan's prostituting  bitch.  Louis is the father of the Yacub experiment.  Yacub is Janet Jackson's legal husband?  Not actually true and for  worst thing has no sexual organs.  He has a dick like thingy to piss and a pussy whole where his balls should be.  When it was discovered, she claimed stupid. I never saw him naked?

Janet told me, please do not tell anybody what Rene made me do.  She would suck her little female dog's pussy, in her room all alone and  by herself, because Rene Elizondo son of Louis Farrakhan told her to do it?  Is this who Farrakhan really is all about.  The bitch is just nasty.   And now we know how M.J.J. had these white babies, Louis son Rene created that shit in that home.  But Janet cannot leave Rene, they don't fuck she says and the whore lesbian who has turned Janet out,  but sucking her dry, be too has no sexual organs or should I say the thing?

For many years she would tell me, she did things because she did not want people to think she was a lesbian while being faithful to me?  Lies. I road from Denver to Chicago in the same train with her and she slept with the lesbian the whole trip and never even gave me a conversation ar all, my sole purpose and her assignment for me, was to save Rene Elizondo her husband, but she loves Paul?  But she is married to Rene Elizondo aka Farrakhan.  Minister of Death Farrakhan - Rene Elizondo clone father who is the mad scientist Yacub, is actually Louis Farrakhan.  Rene has no sex organs, it is worst than I thought.  And Janet's fat ugly dike bitch, I mean total dike like bitch, she is really without sex organs and she is fat and ugly like those real dikes.  Janet is nothing to me.  John Gotti warned her and she tried him again and now I must let it happen.  I do not need a dumb ass bitch.

OK!  There is a lot to tell, but understand people will never see Janet Elizondo again. She and Rene have gotten million dollar face jobs.  And just like when I said I was Paul Castellano and she never acknowledged me, nobody is going to believe she is really Janet Jackson, she fucked her face up that bad.  She is no longer attractive to me and I will never fix her back up, to serve dikes, because she sucks dog pussy, made me sleep in coach all the way to Chicago from Denver, while she slept with the nasty ugly dike and everybody knew the deal but me, I mean everybody all the perverts was there for Janet's final assault against God. She changed her face and did not even consult with me, because I was the one she was going to allude and she did.  Then today she held me up from posting this one. She really think she is in control and just do not understand the true meaning of love and now she gets touch love and if she survives this, she will be a better person, but not for me, she is certainly not a fucking fit.

I am not going to go into detail, but they are all in on this homosexual shit.  Barrack has Jay Z at the White House, while Beyonce hanged out in the White House.  But Janet handled Beyonce in the background from the beginning of her career.  You see Beyonce trying to be like Janet and what is Janet, a dog pussy eating bitch, how he made you do it in the room all alone, she says he told me to do it. She is Jermaine Durpi dick sucker, who loved for him to come in her mouth and all over her face as the actually laughed at me with him saying I am a sucker and all types of shit and the shame came only when I found out, I was being a fool talking about my love for her to everyone who knew she ain't nothing but  funky low down whore and the worst of the worst among them.

And all the white people in that train was all on her side, knowing I was there and she was getting her pussy sucked in the sleeper, leaving me with her husband in coach. When my turn came, I guess you run trains on her, he would not allow me in the room, because he was jealous?  But she could get her pussy sucked all day my his biological creation of no sex organs.  During my recent travels she,
laughed at how I had to jerk off on the toilet, meanwhile her non sex organ lover of shit was sucking the hell out of that whore.  Yea!  Then she says, I d not want people to think I am a lesbian.  The whore said sent that whore to me and she told me after I granted her $6 Million to just go, he replies, let my earn my money and have a threesome at my consummation with a prostitute, who planned to infest my Queendom with all types of diseases. She had all types of shit for us, from AIDS to VD, we was going to get sick so fast and by them we figured it out, many of my Queens was good as dead.  But still when I heard from her this morning she was concerned about me telling the truth.  But you will never recognize her again anyway.

She is lying about a fucking tour, Janet does not look like Janet, she is light skinned and ugly as hell, man Rene fucked her up and I will never repair her after how she mistreated me for many years, intentionally and I am angry that John J. Gotti allowed it.

Knowing I had no pussy since leaving Avon Park, FL on October 11th.  She laughed at me fr that saying be faithful and for having to jerk off in homeless shelters.  She and her Rene are behind my constant Baker Acts. Every time I was forced into psychiatrist wards it was her.   See the picture Rene Elizondo is/was the biggest drug dealer out of California who is Louis Farrakhan son and he signed his death sentence when they called themselves robbing me a few hours ago.  Why?  Rene Elizondo heads the Nazis and Red Necks and they hate black people & Jews and he is really a mulatto, claiming he is German.  I offered them $1 Trillion to let him live?  No way, they can handle their business, when I came to The Nation last night, they said fuck you and comeback tomorrow when you are more stable.  I needed help then!

But the power of God screwed them.  They placed estimated $100 to $200 trillion into that account and was going to run with it.  That organization is under Top Secret Finances and Management controls and would have done them great.  I changed the Principle Office to 1 Central Park W. Unit #34-A New York, New York after she made me her spouse at the VA.  When she never let me in that apartment, I know she was evil.  She had me go to a Motel 6 twice and told me she would let me in, I get their and it was in her lesbian getting all the pussy again, she did not let me in and watched me sit on the bus stop bench all fucking night, while she was with the Motel with her non sexual organs Dike, whom Rene created just for her and she seems to loved her pussy sucker creation s much more than I who is Jesus Christ. She called herself running with a bunch of fools gold.  And when I was on my way to Chicago, the word on the streets was the Nation and not the Nation of Islam will be given to me, because I was the promise they have been waiting for and all types of lies. He figured I would work for him?  Do as he says to eat off my money he thought he stole.

Janet is one of the most biggest known lesbian whores in Hollywood, she loved sucking on her puppy dog pussy, I guess daddy Farrakhan was making sure his tramp get in her daily practice.  But now that other than Rene knows about it, she is ashamed.  Not of what she did, but because Rene is not the only one who knows, but she loves Paul?

Now I ran from Florida, to New York City, to L.A. California to Denver, CO to Chicago, Ill to save her from this evil dog pussy sucking shit.  And she called herself running off with them with my shit?  She stole the whole non profit organization to find out I just changed back my principle office back to Florida. On 4 July 2015, I returned my principle office to Florida and therefore they have nothing.  All the mail and correspondence for the organization now goes to Avon Park, so how can he manage this operation?  Like me, he cannot be allowed to count this money.

I am looking at trillions of dollars and they have nothing now. Rene had them begging for loose cigarettes and now they are all really broke. But is still loyal to them and the hell with Paul. No, No, the hell with Janet!  Janet is a dog ass bitch and is totally unprotected now and will be a mere $10 whore at best, the rest of her life.  She is ugly now and she let Rene do this to her. He even glued a dick on her and planned to remove all her sexual organs like her Dike bitch and Rene. And worst they was just about to destroy the creditably of God and have me caught in a threesome, of two things without sex organs to say I fucked Hermaphrodite.  Yea!  And she had one glued on her and claimed she did not know what it was. But those other two operations was completed already.

After the train station scene, I ran to find Louis Farrakhan, he rejected me.
1. I found his home and they said go to the Church.
2. I go to the Temple and they say nothing but may God help you and kick me off the property and said come back tomorrow and fuck you.  Think they stole my shit.
4. Now they realized they made their move with fools gold and are all broke like they deserve to be. They are all broke Hollywood stink ass bitches all out to use people.
Now she left me for broke in the city of Chicago and found out she is broke as well.  Now she will try to humble herself and be called a crazy stalker.  Why?  She like sucking dog pussy, and made a fool out of me sucking Jermaine Dupri and everybody knew but me and she likes being a Dike and everybody in Hollywood, knows she ain't shit.  She hates men with a passion, she is a dike and is about to have sex change or removal.
I am going to the FBI today to tell them about all this shit going on here.

Apostle Paul Castellano

PS: Now I am stranded. She really thinks my family is going to let me rot in the streets of Chicago, while Louis Farrakhan dogs me out day in and day out.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Queen of Queens Janet Emancipation

Queen of Queens Janet Emancipation

Directive by:  Apostle Paul Castellano

RE: Queen of Queens Janet Emancipation

Update: 29 Nov. 2016

On this day of the first phase of offensives, I tell you after this was when all the fraud begun.  Ella went to changing stuff, but as you can see on the documentation, she was not even a member of the National Community Network, INC.  Furthermore the acknowledgement of God is perpetual.

To:  The Nation and the Nazis

My spirit tells me something is wrong.  My spirit tells me Queen of Queens Janet is somewhere nearby and in danger so she perceives.  They think they can regulate her travel and is holding her hostage somewhere, is what my spirit tells me.

I took back the National Community Network, INC, which has Top Secret Management and Finances.  I designed the operation, but it seems Rene abused it and gave me everything back. Now they seem to think they can handle Queen of Queens Janet like some two bit bitch whore and control her movement as if I do not exist.  They think because I do not say what it is already, I am without that knowledge.  But I am walking by faith and I simply become aware of what I already know.

The Queen of Queens I want with me in Chacago is Queen of Queens Janet.  I will leave here late tonight, because now my train is two hours late. Fine!  If I do not unit with my Queen of Queens and I mean soon, whoever is keeping her away from me, will wish they were never born.  Try Me Says the Lord!

Where ever she is and whoever is between us, I will destroy because of the disrespect you have towards God and the Kingdom and Queendom of God.  And because the whole world was in darkness, all of you sinners can consider yourselves lucky.  Because you made money doing wrong and now you have a chance to do right by God.

Keep, keeping her away ans when I fuck your ass up, you will already know why. She may be afraid, but I will fuck your asses up about my damn women.

Maybe she might soften me up, but you are starting to really piss my motherfucking ass off, like I cannot abduct your family also?

Apostle Paul Castellano

PS: I am tired of running around like a chicken with his head cut off.  My Queen of Queens will be at my next destination or I will finally declare the war against you, that you have declared against my family since the beginning.   And you will not know I can the next time until I announce it years later, but you will know it was of God that struck you down. Stop fucking with my Q.Q. Motherfucker!

Apostle Paul Castellano Head to Chicago N.O.I.

Apostle Paul Castellano Head to Chicago N.O.I.

By: Apostle Paul Castellano

Dear bro. Louis

I hope you receive this letter in good health and in good spirits?  

The Great Deception of the Nation:

We as a nation of people must welcome emancipation with open arms, remove our interest in fantasy gods and accept reality in Christ.  The gift that you have received if not conceived can become a curse.  You have been exposed directly by the first Adam, this is first Adam headquarters, but he was from dust and had to return to dust. But is was the second Adam he prepared you to not receive that by his act upon constant rejection, you will realize he and only he is the hope of  future humanity.

You say I am black and I am a proud Muslim?  But Prophet Elijah is of the blood line of the Hebrew who they now call themselves Egyptian slaves talking Arabic?  Come on!

Then they migrated to the West of Africa and became the Ethiopians and then we who became the Castellano Family as a result of migrating into Sicily.  And they eat pork! In fact they eat pig feet. So where did this crap of don't eat pork arrive from?

See the Nazi Rabbi prays to his Satanic Order or it is symbolic to their Satanic Agreement, they if you eat beef, god will make sure it is safe, via the FDA or some Kosher  agreement. But the secret was revealed in the discoveries of the first Adam.  See Adman was born in the Garden of Eden, which is in Sandersville, GA.  Their plan was to force feed you beef to death. A cow just eats and shit all day and grow fast if you feed them and Kosher means we will use hugely high levels of fertilizer to grow the whey to feed them and that is all to it.  Then comes holy shit, those cows shit fertilizer?

See Adam was a crafty prophet, just talking all types of stuff into existence.  You remember Adam, that is a cat, so we named Paul Castellano Black Cat!  He also named Yacub.  And Yacub, was just another crafty scheme of Prophet Elijah talking crazy shit into existence.

We need to discuss:

1. Born was the Son of Man
2. born was the Clone named Rene Elizondo
3. The Clone was castrated due to evil Satanic European crazy shit
4. The Prototype, being the Son of Man developed uninterrupted. 
5. Rene became a diabolical nutcase and Jesus saved the world to include crazy ass Rene

The Conclusion should be changed:

Yacub was not created by a mad scientist, he was created by God, because God is the creator of all creations.  The term Clone and the future techniques can lead to a greater body than the one you are able to enjoy now.  Anything original must come from God.

The Yacub theory was created by an evil and diabolical man, who tried to make the clone and his prototype go into perpetual battle, but nothing good can ever become bad.

Apostle Paul Castellano

The National Community Network, INC.

The National Community Network, INC.

Directive by: Apostle Paul Castellano

Have all documents related to the National Community Network, INC. located at 1 Central Park W. removed and relocated to our proper principle office located and hire accountant under Steven Wright supervision and perform an internal audit to present a state of Organization 2015.

Below is the Officers and directors of the National Community Network, INC.  I plan for us to stay in Avon Park during the winter coldest winder months, they will call us some type of birds for coming just for the winter weather.

I have more Queens and Family members to add to this Royalty List.  This was a fast draft, with these guy, WiFi be stop working and all kinds of bitch ass shit.

The Rene Elizondo Demise:

The power of God.  My word is my bond, this Satan cannot say or live up to.  Values Satan loves money, I love to be love and express love.  So when the Bible says Satan will crawl on his belly, that is them talking about me.

Money, I use to get drunk and give my money away.  I hate money so much, I punished Rene Elizondo with $100 Billion.  So to him he just did not get enough.  But in God's eyes, he cannot stand me to bad, that he force me to punish who kills him 7 times worst.  So usch an evil man to defy God on this one will receive $700 Billion dollars.  He is worth more dead, because he is dead.

Apostle Paul Castellano

Detail by Entity Name
Filing Information
N0900001017327115184910/20/2009FLACTIVENAME CHANGE AMENDMENT04/09/2014NONE
Principal Address
917 South A Avenue
Avon Park, FL 33825

Changed: 07/04/2015
Mailing Address
917 South A Avenue
Avon Park, FL 33825

Changed: 07/04/2015 
Registered Agent Name & AddressJONES, FRANK P, REV.

Name Changed: 02/03/2015
Officer/Director DetailName & Address

Title V/TR

Jackson, Janet D, Queen
923 South A Avenue
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title S

Hardy, NaQuila L, Queen
917 South A Avenue
Avon Patk, FL 33825

Title President, CEO, Chairman

923 South A Avenue
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Director

Procter, NaZirah Paul, Queen
917 South A Avenue
New York, FL 33825

Title CFO

Knowles, Beyonce, Queen
917 South A Avenue
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Treasurer, VP

Clarkon, Lujuana M, Sister
917 South A Avenue
Avon Park, FL 33825

Title Director

Owens, Dana E, Queen
917 South A Avenue
Avon Pak, FL 33825
Annual Reports
Report YearFiled Date

The Final Judgment Act One

The Final Judgment Act One

By Directive of Apostle Paul Castellano

I was smoking my joint over near the Ritz and a car stopped and left his lights on.  So I waited hoping Janet might give me a sign, this is me, a hon pop or something.  I got tired of looking into a damn headlight, so I went around the corner.

Now me, if I had such a problem with Rene and I was the landlord and not the tenant, I would not lock him out of bus stations and have his tickets to board searched.

I would come to him in the dark and say hey I am Paul Castellano and these are two of my friends and have them flash their guns to show him walk or get shot.  Therefore says, man I anin't going no where with, I would give my men the order to shoot.

Apostle Paul Castellano

The End Game Blogs

The End Game Blogs

All you can do is tell the truth.  You hate me, you hate men and you have a piece of shit dike living with you, while you made a fucking joke of me.  What is going to happen is this.  I have to forgive everybody, but John Joseph Gotti will not and cannot.  Sine you act on fear, they are going to place pure fear in you heart, because you fucked over the wrong nigger.  I already remember what I was told.

These clones, just because you made a deal with th devil, I have to live with these Satanic Creations for Eternity?  For-Get-About-It.  You are one evil bitch and you was made like that from those no good motherfuckers who raised you to be some type of ISIS bitch.  Are you ISIS?

The Chain of Command is:
1. A  Bitch
2. faggot
3. Fuck over the people.

if he was a faggot, it would make you goddess of Egypt.  If he is Satan, it would make you a dumb fucking slave, so well train you follow your master after he takes off the  restraints. You are a Prince Hall Fucking Hollywood Bitch Slave Motherfucker and ran behind a fucking bitch ass motherfucker, to make my life a living hell.

You nd Latoya are two old bitches, that are worthless unless I give you back your fucking youth.  Like i said i would, so you got what you asked for, so next time be careful what you ask for.

I wanted to love you and love you, but your evil ass said, no, I do not want  a man head over heels over me. I want a man who will dog my ass out control your dumb ass.  So he give you'll Obama phones, cannot afford cigarettes and what else. Renee said, he was dogging you'll out and why?  Over me.  How can that be, when his only interest ever concerning you was to be over me. If i dumped you, he would really fuck you up and you know it. And you are no better than any of the, you fought side by side, because you did not want people to think you are a lesbian, because that is what you are?  So you marry a clone, who had no testicle and spread some seed you found in a laboratory and said, my children I love you all?

I need a hotel room with a big bed, a television, and an AC unit, with WiFi and about $1,000 in my account and you can give me a phone number and let me call you, don't call us this time, because this is some low down evil diabolical shit, never heard of, you became.
I would like to be a fucking lone.

Apostle Paul Castellano

The Order of Entrance into Kingdom Suite Ritz Carlton Denver

The Order of Entrance into Kingdom Suite Ritz Carlton Denver

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

I am going to smoke and joint and get a soda before I see what you want to do. The answer is nothing, I guess.  I cannot understand how anyone can justify my not having a bed to rest my head and you all are stealing my damn money.  And always demanding answers I never receiving a dime for.  AM I a slave too.

I will wait about 30 minutes make the request for the room, if you got something better send me a reservation number.

1. The Understanding of the Clone Technology:

See people are now thinking the great curse place upon mankind, based on primitive minds.  It tool every soulless member of Prophet Elijah Poole, my biological father and seed of the fisrt Adam.

Understand that man minds are small and into not accept that I am a living God.  I am the original second man, there was no man upon the earth that had the spirit of God and manifest it to this highest degree.  But all of you look upon a illiterate man of 4 years of school as the final curse put to sleep by the Son of Man, his vengeful son, who is light of the world.  Yet all of you tried to kill me and I made sure you did not make me fuck you up.  I turned the other cheek many times ran for town to town, to hospital to hospital from shelter to shelter and was ran off for my love in God and my spiritual powers.

And we know everything original must come from God.  Nothing did not come from me.  Elijah could never discover the technology of cloning a man into existence.  This is the power of God and I arrived on 4 March 1959.
Rene is not the beginning of evil, because all of you are evil.  I mean every last person I have encountered could not do continuous good form mankind and certainly not for God.

Rene is the white people option.  See we call those light skin niggers white, but nothing white even exist on earth and probably never will again if even, unless you piss me offer.  But see I can give him testicles I can clone to produce whatever result I want.  This will advance mankind, because I am not really into white girls.

I just said it in a language you can understand.  Meaning I am the prototype that was cloned.  He is a clone and I am a prototype.  I came first.
He can have $100 Billion and Los Angeles under my direct management. His poor management skill will get better once he starts getting nuts.  Life is about love and sex.  

I see the Ritz Carlton is across the street.  In am coming to book for 1 night a nice size room with one king and two Queens, for about I forgot but way under one grand.  I am going to send it out after this transmission, I blanked out all my cards.

My other option wuld be for someone to open a side door and then I do not have to be sen at all and will know where I am going already.

Apostle Paul Castellano

The Emancipation of the Community Network

The Emancipation of the Community Network

Lead Investigator Apostle Paul Castellano

1.  I move the principle office to 1 Central Park W. Unit # 34-W, New York, NY 10023
2. I gave Janet Jackson General Power of Attorney for 15 days to move my assets.
3.  Al  my business mail was going to 1 Central Park W. and therefore I could not see many business transactions.
4. I could not get any help on getting a hotel here at the Ritz and I own it. But I cannot prove myself.
5. I changed the principle office of the National Community Network, INC, back to 917 S A Ave and therefore now Rene cannot see all the money e steal and put back into my accounts.  All board members have  a residence of either 917 or 923.
Apostle Paul Castellano

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Janet Jackson Married Same Human Clone Twice

Janet Jackson Married Same Human Clone Twice

By:  Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

1. Rene Elizondo and her $1 Billion dollar promise is the same dude he is a  Clone and not a man.  He has no testicles and you cannot give this perverted Satanic less than a homosexual man a set, he hates the idea of sex.  And the words "you cannot separate what God  has brought together" do not apply here.  That two faced family made a deal with Satan before they even spoke to me?   They already inseminated Janet with the seed of Satan and said she is a virgin?.

2 Alicia Keys and Rene Elizondo, her to cloned children, are both of the same clon factory?  Well there is one way only to find out if a person has the spirit.  If Alicia has the spirit, they will make her prove it.

3.  Alicia marries homosexual Swiss Beats and gets planted with two more clones

4. Renee gets implanted with two clons and  with one is on the way she is now pregnant
5. Janet come to the The train station in Lo Angeles to meet me to go to Emancipated Colorado.

6. Her lover she mentioned at BET Awards was with her.  She was out of shape, ugly, hard looking and man looking.  So I text the White House and said, she is not good enough for me and Janet had to fire her.

7.  The woman walked out and Janet left with her instead of coming to me.  This not the act of  Queen of God therefore not good for God.  She choose a fat out of shape lesbian over God.  Her plan was to ride with her, cuddle and make me look like damn fool?  Then the first thing the dike asked me was, do you have a cigarette.

8. I ntice Reneethe other clon on the bus and she too ask for a cigerttee.  I hate when people smoke that stuff around me, how can they be pleasing to the Lord?  She uses an Obama phone so she claims, I asked her to place a phone payment for me for my phone and she place her phone number in the request and it did not process.  Then everything I had but what I carried off the bus was stolen, to include my Studio Monitor Headphones.

8. I complained to the Bus Driver and he just kicked me off that bus.

9. I showed her the defining text message to the White House and told her, they (her and those clones mean too much to me and  IF they make me leave you'll you'll leave with me, because we we will be safer all together as one.

10. She did the opposite of what I said and stayed on the bus after calling her real daddy Satan Rene, who send her to screw me up.  That is something the Seed of God just cannot do, which is the opposite of what I command.

11.  All of them are all Satanic Clones.  Meaning Michael Joseph Jackson children probably are too and Janet made it possible for him to fuck over Michael. Rene is the insider mole.

12. They are all here somewhere, I just decided to come to Denver, because my Social Worker told me I should try Colorado Springs, meaning this is their new hide out?  I could use marijuana here legally for any reason at all.

13. My sister Egeria woke me up this morning with a lecture.  In essence, she arranged Beyonce by my sperm and artificially insemination.  Paula Blue is not a Clone of Satan, but an innocent child  That they birth to sacrifice at 3 years old and it was probably Paula Blue who warned Beyonce, to go away and do not look back.

14. NaZirah really do love me she explained and did not act right, because she knew Janet was playing me.  But Janet is no loner my concern and these two are and the rest of those Hollywood Satanic servants can sleep with Janet and Rene Clone Incorporated.

15.  I will stay here in this state until other legal options to take my medication with dignity are found.

16.  This is the Master Plan of Prince Hall Freemasonry.  Everyone will become a son of Satan and have his DNA which is to clone mines. but they will never receive the spirit and therefore receive eternal death.

Apostle Paul Castellano

Jesus Christ Arrives in Colorado to Emancipation

Jesus Christ Arrives in Colorado to Emancipation

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bk Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ finally made it to a state in the Union whereby the the Unconstitutional War  on Drugs is no factor to the residents of the city, the municipality or the Government Employees.

Everybody on Capital Hill know they are knee deep in a RICO investigation to prevent our nation from being overthrown by the Nazis and weapon of weapons is drugs of all sorts, from the streets to the pharmaceutical industry and out hospitals.

When Richard Nixon begun the war on drugs, he created the greatest drug kingpin ever, he who is the President always ends up super rich, because they assign the Attorney General, who runs the DEA who is Big Drug Distribution.

Everywhere in the state I can by legal marijuana, so I no longer need these setup men to screw me, the VA for any medications or services.  Because all they do is systematically mistreat me.  and therefore I  will not be easily dogged out, because people here are not a part of this evil conspiracy to destroy the the temple of God.

More will be revealed?

Apostle Paul Castellano

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Rene Elizondo Nazi Devil of Loyal Bodyguard?

Rene Elizondo Behind Q.Q. Janet

My spirit tells me Rene Elizondo has the same DNA as me? He is pretending to be German, his Army are a bunch of Red Necks with Nazi tattoos, but if this is right, is Rene the faithful Bodyguard or the real Satan himself?

That means he had you blood test and said see those are my children and cannot bust a nut.  And will not take testicles if I gave the to him.  That makes hi a bad boy, but once the Red Necks put two and two together and they will, because I met with my Nazi Red Neck warriors in Germany 1983-84.  That is who will settle this.  They really do want Rene, he is feared man and he fears me. He tried to set me up about 3 times today, as tried to give him a way out. They are trying to hospitalize me and the people watched them to make sure if they do it be done right.

If the Nazi Jews broke the code of DNA, a blood test means nothing anymore. Either you have the spirit or Rene can say, I am the Father of all the dead.  And can't even bust a grape?

Apostle Paul Castellano