Monday, June 29, 2015

The Rein of Paul Castellano

The Rein of Paul Castellano
By: Apostle Paul Castellano

Note: How can you stand by a Hollywood lie and claim you love the Lord?

How do you boast about anything concerning me and not say my name out loud for the world to here?


Satan wants to destroy the world and if everything was handed over to Satan he owns this world.  So tell me, who is this husband and lover Janet is talking about, I had no sex since the spirit of God came back, because they do not want me to procreate God-Like Children.  And nobody will know me, because you do not want them to know who I am!

1. I gave Janet power of attorney general a few months ago.

2. She allowed my VA records to become 1 Central Park W. Unit # 34-A.
3. She allowed my records to indicate she is my spouse.

4. But they would not allow me entry into that Condo at Trump Towers.

5. Then they ran me out of town to California after only 5 months in New York City

6. I get to California the land where my Queendom is located, all multi-millionaires yet I did not even get respect in the homeless shelter system.  They refused me the rights of a damn homeless veteran.

7. I love Janet so much, I rationalized it as things I must go through to fulfill the prophesy of the Bible.

8. My date was 27 June 2015.  I identified myself to them on 26 June 2015 and they turned me away again.

9. The spirit can back to me in October 2014, since then I touched no woman, so all my children be known to mankind, I said, I will touch nobody who is not my Queen.  They think this is about morals.

10. The Bible said, I had to save the world by my seed because nobody on all the earth had faith.  And to have faith first you must know I exist.
11. I made it clear all of mankind who live will receive the spirit of God by 50 years after my day on 27 June 2015 = 27 June 2077.

12. Now my way the world would get to know me, see the good I have done and learn to love me because they will know me they would be able to have faith and gain the spirit of God.  I can to save the world.

13. But it seems you want to say Alicia daddy is a Cook, Paula Blue is Blue Ivy, Alicia seems to not even know my voice, because she took a picture at Dahoud's apartment, the same drug dealer who sold heroin right in front of me, but me on the street knowing all I needy was a place to rest my head for just 4 days.  Took my studio computer, took all my software and gave me about 3 minutes to get out.  Drink your ice coffee and go, I love you, but must love you from distance?  So how does Alicia visit that home?  And how did a child who knows my voice disobey me over and over?

14. I told them I planned to be here for this 4 days BET event.  After I heard Janet had 4 children hiding out up in a Northern state, I know where, but she can stay there and not worry about me anymore.  But I says nobody, got rejected and she verified she was nothing to me from the beginning. 

15. I guess I never remembered fucking a virgin because she was sloppy seconds and Rene seemed to have got that first. Then came my Alicia the Eternal Princess of Rene Elizondo, who was to have many of my children?

16. See Janet was before her servants at BET, I guess she stole that also, when I handed to world over to her?

17.  She said nothing about me, but told her Star Studded crowd, she mentions her husband and lover, who she loves.  That is the move people make they claim victory.
18. Let’s go back now. I contacted the Cuban Embassy right after I signed that document and had the Cuban Government revoke that P.O.A.  Because all of a sudden everybody in New York City ignored me and John J. Gotti became Kevin Gates?  Read those FBI files, all about flight 800 and all types of shit.

19. I know Janet is a lying bitch and a whore because she told me and John told me, Paul you have to dump that whore, I was disloyal.

20. Now I just fuck whores on crack for $5 or $10, in the dark, in allies and watch them for about two weeks or just move on from town to town, because you made women this way, a bunch of women will end up pregnant by a passerby stranger.

21. But life begins at conception right?  Conception is in two weeks?  All my seeds have the spirit of God.  What does that mean? Janet would know if Alicia is my seed.

22. The seed of God will become the ruler over that temple.  Do you really think after two weeks, you will be able to rule over a woman with the seed of God within?  She is not going to want crack anymore and will deliver a seed into life, whose journey like mines will be preordained.

23. Your plan is for me to do something stupid to Baker Act me or tell people I am crazy all over again?  What am I supposed to go to the Havenhurst Mansion, so you can say, see the nut is back with more crazy shit and delete the FBI vault? He is really crazy this time, he claims to have fulfilled the bible prophesy.

24. But you forget I made Janet, I made Beyoncé and all of them and I came create someone more pretty, loyal and worthy of my seed.

25. One day, you will wake up, but this time you will see a President, religious leaders and Hollywood Stars, doing great things, but this time when I call they will all answer, because my children know my voice, but all of you children will be condemned because Satan wants to condemn the world and he knows if they do not know who I am, they will not be capable of accepting me as their Lord and Savior.

26. At 56 years of age and I need to nut at least once per day. See you think I am stupid beating off being faithful to Hollywood tramps.  Bill Cosby told me they are all whores, because immorality is the price Satan charges in Hollywood. How many spirits will I have created screwing crack head whores at $5 to $10 a shot or even a damn hit?  But after two weeks, she might keep buying it as a throw off, but she will not even need doctor care to have my child.  She might have the baby in a motel and a month later move on.

27. But what happens in 50 years if only my seed know who I am?

Apostle Paul Castellano


  1. All electronic devices thrown away
  2. Thanks to NaQuila the Gold tooth was removed, I told you I needed to go to the dentist, you said fuck you and have a damn tooth pains. I have not seen a dentist in over 6 years?  But you really love God?
  3. Because everything is mines and you all stole it, if I take what I need along the way, it is justified, because everything is mine’s and everything I am being denied, to include the Homeless Rights for Veterans.
  4. Never again will I step my foot inside a VA, because all they do is try to hurt me.
  5. The code of Paul. They crucified Jesus, so he goes up North and says I not the Lord. Meaning I am creating a religion not of God but of me.  Then they become divided. What I need say in Texas, I do not need in New Mexico. So each religion addresses the issues of that state and municipality.
  6. When children hear my voice, they will answer my call, because the spirit will drive them to do this. And my children will gather and your children will not even know I exist and it will be you who condemned your damn selves.  I’d rather sleep in the woods and the Army sowed me how and plants my seed in crack heads, then this bullshit.  Now you will have to find me and in the state of California, there is no telling what my name will be when I leave.
  7. Now the ball is in your hand.
Apostle Paul Castellano

Lorenzo Poole The Castellano Mole?

Lorenzo Poole The Castellano Mole?

Now what do they have to do to have anything and be down with Min. Lo Jones?

Investigation by: Apostle Paul Castellano

55 mins - His latest Post on Facebook:
Well since the line of demarcation has been written in stone by the US Supreme Court, We will have more people in Bible Study on Wednesday nights Since Church Folk won't be watching Empire!!

He mentions the term demarcation: 
Demarcation is defined as a limit or boundary, or the act of establishing a limit or boundary.
First recorded c.1752, from Spanish linea de demarcacion and/or Portuguese linha de demarcação, the demarcation linelaid down by the Pope on May 4, 1493, dividing the New World between Spain and Portugal on a line 100 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands. Both derive from demarcar, from de- + marcar (“to mark”), from Italian marcare, from the Germanic root of march. 

Same Sex Marriage in Avon Park - To the right NaQuila Brother
I had no idea!  Now Lorenzo says business will be booming?

Decision to Decide Same Sex Marriage Unconstitutional

Decision to Decide Same Sex Marriage Unconstitutional

By: Apostle Paul Castellano

Supreme Court Jurisdiction on Appeals:

The Court has appellate jurisdiction (the Court can hear the case on appeal) on almost any other case that involves a point of constitutional and/or federal law.

Judicial Review in the United States is the ability of a court to examine and decide if a statute, treaty or administrative regulation contradicts or violates the provisions of existing law, a State Constitution, or ultimately the United States Constitution. While the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly define a power of judicial review, the authority for judicial review in the United States has been inferred from the structure, provisions, and history of the Constitution.

Two landmark decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court served to confirm the inferred constitutional authority for judicial review in the United States: In 1796, Hylton v. United States was the first case decided by the Supreme Court involving a direct challenge to the constitutionality of an act of Congress, the Carriage Act of 1794 which imposed a "carriage tax".  The Court engaged in the process of judicial review by examining the plaintiff's claim that the carriage tax was unconstitutional. After review, the Supreme Court decided the Carriage Act was not unconstitutional.

In 1803, Marbury v. Madison[3] was the first Supreme Court case where the Court asserted its authority for judicial review to strike down a law as unconstitutional. At the end of his opinion in this decision,[4] Chief Justice John Marshall maintained that the Supreme Court's responsibility to overturn unconstitutional legislation was a necessary consequence of their sworn oath of office to uphold the Constitution as instructed in Article Six of the Constitution.

As of 2014, the United States Supreme Court has held 176 Acts of the U.S. Congress unconstitutional.

Under the Constitution Polygamy is Legal But the Law of Marriage is Unconstitutional

You must read this article to understand the law of marriage and the real issue at hand.

The Key Term is:   Solemnization:

In short the law of marriage is not of marriage, but a law that allows a marriage ceremony.  Then they say, everyone must have a marriage ceremony, meaning you need an officiant or judge to get married.  Then it goes on to explain who is not effected by this law that requires a judge to bring people together in marriage.  Then it explains who the Law of Solemnization do not apply to and that criteria only  fits the Living God and his flock.

Now they claim same sex marriage, whereby the only true authority granted under the United Constitution is the law of Solemnization or the right to a marriage ceremony.  But a marriage is not establish my any wedding ceremony.

The bottom line is marriage is not even a legal question of law an therefore the Supreme Court had to authority to hear the argument to begin with.

In jurisprudence, question of law (also known as a point of law) is a question which must be answered by applying relevant legal principles, by an interpretation of the law.[1]Such a question is distinct from a question of fact, which must be answered by reference to facts and evidence, and inferences arising from those facts. Answers to questions of law are generally expressed in terms of broad legal principles, and are capable of being applied to many situations, rather than being dependent on particular circumstances or factual situations. An answer to a question of law as applied to the particular facts of a case is often referred to as a "conclusion of law".

WASHINGTON — In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Courtruled by a 5-to-4 vote on Friday that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage.

So when I saw this  5 to 4 decision, I saw a unanimous decision, because it would have only taken one Supreme Justice to say, we have no authority to hear this case.

Apostle Paul Castellano

Latoya Jackson Exposes William J. Clinton Foundation - Money Laundering

Latoya Face shot
Latoya Jackson Exposes William J. Clinton Foundation - Money Laundering

Warning this may upset you:

The man made over $65 million from just one of over 100 non profits in his network to still and hide drug money.  For full article click link. He claimed on the Queen Latifah Show, my Foundation is worth $80 Billion.  How?  Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton $80 Billion, Carlos Slim $80 Billion, Michael Bloomberg $20 Billion, Jay Z $460 Million - The house nigger and Rene Elizondo He is trying to steal the whole M.J.J. Estate, with these white kids in my house, now you know that is now going to happen?are the drug dealers of America.  The Barrack Castellano aka Obama Cartel.  No telling what Barrack planned to settle for?

Apostle Paul Castellano

Friday, June 26, 2015

Beyonce Exposes on You- Tube Barrack Castellano bka Obama Drug Kingpin #1

Beyonce and Jay Z WH

Full Story Click above to Redirect:

Apostle Paul Castellano

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Order of Zew Railroad - formerly aka the Underground-railroad

By Oder of : Apostle Paul Castellano
From the Order of Zew Declaration: 
Under the Law set-forth in the name Paul Castellano signed Rev. Frank Paul Jones, no member of the Order of Zew, who are also the Church of Mafia, can ever be homeless.
923 South A Avenue, Avon Park, FL. 33825-4114
King Jesus Paul Solomon - King of Israel

The Ritz Carlton, L.A. - Community
Address: 900 W Olympic Blvd, L.A., CA 90015
Phone:(213) 743-8800

My L.A. Neighborhood:

Within the L.A. LIVE entertainment complex, this posh hotel is a 5-minute walk from the Staples Center, home of the Lakers and Clippers. The Walt Disney Concert Hall is a 1.4-mile drive.

Elegant rooms have free WiFi, flat-screens and 24-hour room service, as well as marble bathrooms and 400-thread-count linens. Classy suites add sitting areas, with upgrades tacking on separate bedrooms. Club rooms offer access to a lounge with free food and drinks.

Dining includes an upscale Chinese restaurant by Wolfgang Puck plus a gastro-pub and cafe. There’s also a luxe spa, a rooftop outdoor pool and hot tub, and a fitness center. Private parking is paid.

I will begin the process by the establishment of residences reserved for my family at all times and may have a suite reserved at any time at all of these locations.  This process will begin in  California, Florida  and New York City.

The locations of the many hotel I own all over the world for my men and their families to have a place to always be able to stay and they can eat off of this also, because the hotel business is still a business. But my business is the feed and raise my people out of the gutter and make the world a better place for all to include all you damn sinners.

The Marriott International Throughout the United States and the World:
  • We have about 4438 hotels in the world
Apostle Paul Castellano

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Beyoncé Leaves Jay Z "The Homosexual plotted sacrifice us!"

Beyoncé Leaves Jay Z  "The Homosexual plotted sacrifice us!"

By: The Apostle Paul Castellano

Rumor are that Jay Z:

1. Is an undercover homosexual

2. He is not the father of Blue Ivy, let me correct you, Paula Blue named after her real father, who they call in Hollywood the Real Man!

3.  He never even had sex, with Beyoncé Castellano?

4. They say they are one happy family, of Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson, Latoya Jackson and Beyonce?  And they say there are even more of these beautiful women, who all say, I love the Real Man?
5.  And in  last effort to save his diabolical emperor of drug laundering and steal thier royalties and  after his failed effort with Tidel whereby they say the swindlers stole every penny in his money laundering scheme, it turns out that he really owns nothing at Tidel Streaming.

Tidal was launched in 2014 by Swedish/Norwegian public company Aspiro.
The parent company Aspiro was acquired by Project Panther Ltd, who Jay Z claims to be?

Panther did not own or otherwise control any shares in Aspiro prior to announcement of the Offer. Panther has not purchased any shares in Aspiro outside of the Offer. Panther does not hold any financial instruments in Aspiro that provide a financial exposure equivalent to a holding of shares in Aspiro.

The shares tendered in the Offer up until the end of the extension of the acceptance period on 27 March amount to 430,586,285, corresponding to 97.42 percent of the shares and votes in Aspiro. Settlement for shares tendered during the extension of the acceptance period up until 27 March 2015 is expected to begin on or around 7 April 2015.

Panther has decided not to further extend the acceptance period and does not intend to acquire shares in Aspiro outside the compulsory acquisition process.

6. Then the word got from Blue Ivy his so-called daughter becomes Paula Blue is missing and without Paula Blue, the daughter of the real man, he is worthless to the Illuminati who he tried to convince the world that Beyoncé and she was the evil one to sacrifice her.

7. Why?  Everything he had belongs to Paula Blue, she turned out to the mysterious share holder?
8. Then the Bomb Shell, Beyoncé is said to be held in a secret location in the Colorado Mountains and she disclosed a RICO conspiracy all the way to the White House.  And Jay Z, put out the word, we got to find her, it is get her or be destroyed.”

Read: Jay Z Schemed for $.5 Billion in Tidel Streaming Pyramid Con.

Apostle paulcastellano

Monday, June 22, 2015

Janet Jackson no sleep dedicaoted to Jesus Christ her Real Man

Queen of Queens Janet

Message from: King Jesus Paul Solomon:

Below is an hyperlink that will redirect you to our Blog. We will continue to support our Blogger Readers, but our readership will quickly gain a large worldwide audiance much quicker under the infrasturure and services.

Janet Jackson no sleep dedicaoted to Jesus Christ her Real Man

Hyperlink Above Enjoy.

Jesus Christ

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Smooth Gangster the Master-plan Screenplay & Album w/ Bonus Tracks

Smooth Gangster the Master Plan Screenplay & Album w/ Bonus Tracks

By: Apostate Paul Castellano

Apostle Paul Castellano

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Redirect to: The Apostle Paul Castellano Queen Janet and Dom John J. Gotti Master Keys

Redirect to:  The WordPress:

The Apostle Paul Castellano Queen Janet and Dom John J. Gotti Master Keys

Friday, June 19, 2015

How to take back California & America

How to take back California & America

By: Apostle Paul Castellano

The Bible teaches you that Satan's  great strength is his ability to lie and deceive people to cheat them.  That is the bottom line.  And the Law of the Confederate which is Satan Law, is that as long as you mistreat black people in the process, you can prosper until Satan decides to take everything back and he always tries to do exactly that.  As was every great nation before America, it seems that Satan makes a deal to build a great nation to destroy it and do the same again somewhere else.  But This is the last stop, the promise land and now it all or nothing or you for God or Satan?

His weakness was on the 7 opportunity he recessed because he believed his corrupt diabolical master-plan was inflatable.  Satan is a Liar, who at the end believed their own lie over generations of bullshit that there is no God!  So the world must be the dead leading the dead and all must die!  Mankind's final destination would then be death instead of life.

2:1) Accordingly Satan’s Kingdom and the reality of the masses, was completed to accommodate the ruling class.  2:2) By the seventh opportunity the founding fathers completed the job he had done.  So on the seventh opportunity he recessed from all his work.  And the founding fathers favored the seventh opportunity and felt his creations were indisputable, and could not be overcome by any Man, only because of this, did he recess from all the work of creating that he had done.
The Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul Castellano

Due to the fact the main element to concur is confusion, Satan seems to never protect themselves was force by by deception.

1. Satan lost the support of the L.A.P.D.  Once they say the Academy Awards Report, they knew they was being played.  COPS looking like dragnet cars, riding bikes, without a national data base?  But all these Foundation give them crumbs but themselves 10's of millions every year. The Academy Awards gave the L.AP.D.$10-G out of $1 Billion made, but I bet the COPS be at events getting free food but always packed with a gun, meaning free security services on top of the insult of thank you and here is $10,000

Easy Entry to Citizenship:

2. The California D.M.V. cannot check the status of incoming people. They take a Passport, a Driver License, a Birth Certificate, a DD-214, but cannot even check out the information you give and they say it is for the integrity of the State.  Meaning in New York City, in all those fake ID creator shops or using good software and ID making apparatus, is all you need to come to California and get a driver license that is all you need and they are incapable of checking you out.  California was designed for and built on fraud ad they cannot stop it without fast Federal Funding and oversight and they know it, but never intended to do this.

The Non Profit Scheme creates Easy Temporary Housing to In-Process:

3. Being Homeless going to Los Angeles is fast tracked to Skid Row, which is where many must come and get setup.  There is over $2.2  Billion in real estate and funding being misused and is for the taking, by a few Wise Guys.  I counted over 25 condos being hidden to eventually steal as they run of he population into prisons, death and institutions. I am homeless, is the greatest cover to entry.

Government Benefits:

4. Remember they are not on the nationwide data-base, so whatever you tell them unless it requires federal oversight, they cannot confirm or not confirm it by design.  The goal is a marijuana license so read the law and be able to produce documents that are bought in the common shops in New York City for show piece at the D.M.V. and other government agencies.   
5. You now have a new identity, based on made up shit like most of the white people not born here.  Under these false identities just take this shit over.  Give the L.A.P.D. there 25%, I get my 10% of anything blessed and the the crew feeds the in the community people and themselves with 65%.

6. The state of California is foreign ruled, whom are the Nazi Prophesy.  They took the position that the United States Government is in an act of an unconstitutional war against the American People and the Black Race was made the common hated ones that allowed this group to be formed and  to be setup. Hate begets hate and death.  people hate so bad they do not even see their own demise, because they believe man was born to die and not be born to live in Christ for eternity. 

7. Our Government Officials up to the top made money from this illegal drug was and I mean big money, but never in the history of this war on drugs was it ever challenged successfully until the Obama Administration.  Several states legalized Marijuana for medical and even recreational use, to include California.  But Barrack continued to play by the same old rules thinking he would clean up even better than his predecessors, but was setup and they would have walked.

8.  Understanding how California is constructed and who these people are and knowing Satan never does anything good for the good of humanity, the Medical Marijuana trade in California is an International Counterfeit Operation to destroy our economy and therefore our nation as it is known today. 

9. But because their product call Kush (Marijuana) is all exotic Hollywood hype and our products is two to three time better and half to one third the price and the position of California that was all talk and no action, we will live up to and by law all they can do is watch.

We are going to sell on the Internet and all over the Country and accept notorized applications as proof of identity to fulfill California law. and we will be doing the FEDS a favor, we are there only way out, because we are the only other alternative to distribution to include over 1.25 million plants of high CBD marijuana.

Before I begin understand these, I am aware of this law, because it is the same law they could not pass in Florida and the bottom line is California.  California took the right side of history on this one, because the war on drug is in fact unconstitutional ans if Californians who are dispensaries knew the law, not only can they sell a out of state resident weed, but by law have the right to sell marijuana via the website and to any state in the nation, because the position taken and that cannot be overturned by the United States Supreme Court is that marijuana is actually legal.

If you read the law, anyone who under the U.S. Constitution can get one, based on this law and the Constitutional question.,anyone who can identify himself/herself can get a marijuana license.
The intent under §11362.5. Use of marijuana for medical purposes. was to protect the rights of Californians but not the authority to violate the rights of everyone else and that marijuana is not illegal under the United States Constitution.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

[42] which necessarily entails having the health care needed to preserve life and pursue happiness. The purpose of the US Constitution, as stated in the Preamble, is to "promote the general welfare" of the people. [43] According to former Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), as part of efforts to "promote the general welfare," health care "is a legitimate function of government." [44]
 (f) "Qualified patient" means a person who is entitled to the protections of Section 11362.5, but who does not have an identification card issued pursuant to this article. (g) "Identification card" means a document issued by the State

The Medical Marijuana Law of California: 

Department of Health Services that document identifies a person authorized to engage in the medical use of marijuana and the person's designated primary caregiver, if any.(h) "Serious medical condition" means all of the following medical conditions:

   1) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
   (2) Anorexia.
   (3) Arthritis.
   (4) Cachexia.
   (5) Cancer.
   (6) Chronic pain.
   (7) Glaucoma.
   (8) Migraine.
   (9) Persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to,
spasms associated with multiple sclerosis.
   (10) Seizures, including, but not limited to, seizures associated
with epilepsy.
   (11) Severe nausea.
   (12) Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that either:
   (A) Substantially limits the ability of the person to conduct one or more major life activities as defined in the Americans with

Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336).
Section 11362.5

Health & Safety Code 11362.5 — Proposition 215
§11362.5. Use of marijuana for medical purposes.

(a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
(b)(l) The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 are as follows:

(A) To ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person's health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.

(B) To ensure that patients and their primary care-givers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.
(C), To encourage the federal and state governments to implement a plan to provide for the safe and affordable distribution of marijuana to all patients in medical need of marijuana.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others, nor to condone the diversion of marijuana for nonmedical purposes.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law: no physician in this state shall be punished, or denied any right or privilege, for having recommended marijuana to a patient for medical purposes.
(d) Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, and Section 11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, shall not apply to a patient, or to a patient's primary caregiver, who possesses or cultivates marijuana for the personal medical purposes of the patient upon the written or oral recommendation or approval of a physician.

(e) For the purposes of this section, "primary care-giver" means the individual designated by the person exempted under this section who has consistently assumed responsibility for the housing, health, or safety of that person. (Added by 1996 initiative Measure Prop 215 §1, eff.: 11/6/96.)
11362.82.  If any section, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or
portion of this article is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and
that holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereof.

 (f) "Qualified patient" means a person who is entitled to the protections of Section 11362.5, but who does not have an identification card issued pursuant to this article.
(g) "Identification card" means a document issued by the State
Department of Health Services that document identifies a person
authorized to engage in the medical use of marijuana and the person's
designated primary caregiver, if any.
(h) "Serious medical condition" means all of the following medical

   (1) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
   (2) Anorexia.
   (3) Arthritis.
   (4) Cachexia.
   (5) Cancer.
   (6) Chronic pain.
   (7) Glaucoma.
   (8) Migraine.
   (9) Persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to,
spasms associated with multiple sclerosis.
   (10) Seizures, including, but not limited to, seizures associated
with epilepsy.
   (11) Severe nausea.
   (12) Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that either:
   (A) Substantially limits the ability of the person to conduct one
or more major life activities as defined in the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336).
Section 11362.5
Health & Safety Code 11362.5 — Proposition 215
§11362.5. Use of marijuana for medical purposes.
(a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
(b)(l) The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 are as follows:

(A) To ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for 1medical purposes where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person's health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.

(B) To ensure that patients and their primary care-givers who obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes upon the recommendation of a physician are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.
(C), To encourage the federal and state governments to implement a plan to provide for the safe and affordable distribution of marijuana to all patients in medical need of marijuana.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others, nor to condone the diversion of marijuana for nonmedical purposes.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law: no physician in this state shall be punished, or denied any right or privilege, for having recommended marijuana to a patient for medical purposes.
(d) Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, and Section 11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, shall not apply to a patient, or to a patient's primary caregiver, who possesses or cultivates marijuana for the personal medical purposes of the patient upon the written or oral recommendation or approval of a physician.

(e) For the purposes of this section, "primary care-giver" means the individual designated by the person exempted under this section who has consistently assumed responsibility for the housing, health, or safety of that person. (Added by 1996 initiative Measure Prop 215 §1, eff.: 11/6/96.)
11362.82.  If any section, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this article is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and that holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereof.

Apostle Paul Castellano